The argument you’re having is that nobody can build a Starbucks, develop a video game, or anything else. Because if it exists and you see it, then it’s no longer opt-in.
What an incredible strawman argument and a false equivalency
Do I own the entire world? No I do not, so no it’s not comparable. I do own my computer, so whenever something is included with a program that I install, it is enabled by default, but I can turn it off, that’s OPT OUT.
Generally bloat has been used to refer to things like how phones come with a lot of garbage apps on them, which use up space.
Not really, that’s only one of examples. Bloat also refers to unwanted features in otherwise useful programs such as a browser. Even back in the day when IE allowed third party toolbars, these were universally considered bloat.
but it won’t show you ads or anything unless you turn it on
There’s an icon in the address bar by default, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t show ads, the fact it’s there by default without me explicitly putting it there, that’s not an opt-it… it’s an opt-out once I remove it. At least on desktop it’s easy to remove the icon… but on mobile you have to go to settings to do so
And when we compared Brave to other browsers, Brave’s storage space was about the same as competitors
But you do not want it to be the same as the lowest common dominator, which is Google Chrome, you want it it be better… If we are going this route, might as well install Chrome
can’t be uninstalled either.
like unwanted extensions of brave cannot be removed either, such as Wallet, rewards, vpn, leo,… You can hide their icons, but that’s it… they are still in Brave. It’s exactly the same as your example of preinstalled useless apps on phone that cannot be installed. You can hide them from your launcher and that’s it. Thanks for proving my point
On this it would be to say the UI could use improvement and would like to be able to hide things not being used.
That’s what should be done, instead brave did bare minimum to allow users to hide them from the main interface only. Users should be able to uninstall any unwanted preinstalled extensions, or just make a lite version of Brave.