Make the browser experience more cleaner it will always attract more people than bloated experience.People want a safe,friendly browser experience without ads and virus.So yes, the experience should be more cleaner.Like example:People shouldn’t need to customize their homepage to make it look cleaner.It should be clean by default.So people actually like the browser.And also why you guys added another search bar in the bottom,when address bar already exist.Stop doing this useless things.Also the ai search should be disabled in default,because it shows more wrong information than right.Nobody wants to deal with it.So yes if people want ai search results they can enable it themselves.But make it disabled by default.Also extra bloat things too by default.That’s all I have to say.
I completely agree with you!
@flashblind @collie-fuel there has been some ongoing discussion. Out of curiosity, could you check out Would you pay for simplified version of Brave? and respond there on your thoughts?
You are right. These things should be disabled by default but not removed from the browser. There should still be an option to enable ads if you want to support Brave and enable the bottom search bar. These should be disabled by default but not completely removed from the browser.
I would also like to say that I have no problem turining on sponsored ads because they help Brave in their mission and they also look good but please Brave add more wallpapers. I love your browser.
What does this even mean? I don’t understand exactly what it’s going to do. All site data? All open tab site data? Or the last open tab site data?
And for the record this appears in the tab list view with all open tabs.
This post is entirely necessary. There have been essential missing functions of Brave for years yet now talk of a paid simplified version? A browser should be simple already!