Hi, is it possible to get brave with no “Ai”? Leo can’t be turned off, buttons go back on the sidebar by itself. When asked how to delete it or disable it it says it’s already deleted. Brave supposed to be privacy oriented but that language model suggests otherwise. I mean, who’s idea was it to bloat the browser with that useless bs just to be trendy. Are you guys suffering from negative iq or wtf?
@Errorist what would you say to the discussion at Would you pay for simplified version of Brave?
I’d say It’s another bad idea. Why would anyone pay for removing features they did not ask for? Why not make a bloated version paid as it takes more resources to develop? Also, can you imagine, browser subscriprion… Did we really fell so low?
Brave is supporting itself by having rewards within the browser and then encouraging people to use the features that it has such as trying to pay for Brave VPN or Leo.
If they were to create a second version that is lacking those features then they would have to come up with a way to still get revenue to be able to pay the developers to handle that version of Brave and to continue any further development.
Remember, at the end of the day they are a for-profit business and they have a lot of expenses in order to provide for us. Most other browsers support themselves by collecting data and violating our privacy. Brave refuses to do that.
I get all of it, we all need to eat. But there are better methods of monetization than subscription models. I’d prefer to spend money once and get working product and eventually pay for the update if I need it instead of being forced to pay monthly just to be able use product at all. Brave is not Adobe and Adobe is wrong. Even non-profit model would work better for a browser, Proton recently did a move to that model and it was genius in my opinion, great confirmation of values presented by the brand.
And by the logic presented in formentioned discussion, bare version of the browser should be free, rest should be paid. Noone asked for “ai” in a browser and if someone did then they should pay for it, not the users that don’t want anything to do with that feature. It’s useless for people that are able to read or search the web. Pushing language models into every product is the same as was crypto and nft’s after that. A stupid hyped up trend that doesnt better the experience while introducing security risks. What if someone kills themself following a advice from a esoteric search engine (so called “ai”, lol)? Leo is so useless it cannot even point to a method of disabling it. “I already deleted myself” was the funniest thing I’ve read in years.
Saddest thing is there is no alternative at the moment. Everyone is pushing agents with browsers. Even DuckDuckGo fell to the craze.
Soon everything will be “ai”. Noone is going to do any work and everyone will starve.
This is the reason why aliens dont visit us.
You created the problem by adding without consent and now you want people to pay you to stop spying on them. That is extortion.
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