Description of the issue:
I use for saving recipes from websites. They have a bookmark to save recipes to their site. The script for the bookmark is at the end.
Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.
- Find a recipe I want to save.
- Click the Plantoeat bookmark I have in my bookmark bar.
- A ‘pop up’ window appears overlaying the recipe webpage on the right side of the webpage.
- The problem is I have now, is the popup window appears but it wants me to sign in even through I am already signed into plantoeat in another tab. This has worked in Chrome.
Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):
Expected result:
Reproduces how often:
Happens all the time.
The only way I can stop it from happening is to allow all cookies for the websites I want to save a recipe on or turn on cookies of all sites.
Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave
page in the main menu):
Win 10
Version 0.63.48 Chromium: 74.0.3729.108 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Additional Information:
Bookmark details:
javascript:void function(){function t(){confirm(“We are having trouble accessing this recipe. Do you want to import this recipe at www.”+o.replace("//www.","")+"%3F")%26%26e()}function e(){var t=“https:”+o+"/recipes/new%3Fwebsite_link="+encodeURIComponent(document.location.href),;(!e||e.closed||“undefined”==typeof e.closed)%26%26(window.location=t)}var o="//";/,t=function(){});try{var n=document.createElement(“script”);“undefined”==typeof myBookmark%3F(n.setAttribute(“type”,“text/javascript”),n.setAttribute(“charset”,“UTF-8”),n.setAttribute(“src”,document.location.protocol+o+"/javascripts/pte-bookmarklet-import.min.js%3F"+(new Date).getTime()),document.body.appendChild(n),setTimeout(function(){try{myBookmark}catch(e){t()}},6e3))}catch(i){t()}}();