Payment not recieved on uphold

As i just started to use brave browser from last month and i verified my brave publisher and uphold account both but today on 8 september 2020, i did not get my payment of previous month contribution!! Kindly see the screenshot and help me

payments just start to be made today 8 you must wait if here it appears that the payments have already been made completely and you still do not receive yours, mention a mod to help you


from what date last month are your referrals? today’s payments belong to July referrals … August referrals are paid in October

I am not asking about referrals payment , i m just asking about the payment which i have in my publisher account (in screenshot) ,how much time will it take to transfer this amount to my uphold account??

Transfers are automatic, if you have your uphold verified and everything in order in the course of today, that deposit should be made automatically

We should wait until the publishers payout (Sept 8) will complete… if we are not paid today then we will post a complain tommorow.

Ok , i will wait for today !!

wait until steeven indicates that the payments were made in full in the thread “Publishers Payout Update Thread: September 2020”

I understand that it is unsettling to wait but it is the best option so that he can answer you

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Ok , now its 9 sep and i did not recieve any kind of cofirmation mail nor any payment from brave to my uphold account as i say i started to earn from previous month , now what ? Please initiate my payment from the above ss i have mention!!

@Hemant571 I received the ads payout but my publishers balance still not paid. The support team still processing our publishers payout.

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When will my bat will appear on uphold ?

payments are still being processed

Not recieved my payment yet , i dont know what the issue?

Its been 2 months now but, still i dont get my payment please developers fix the issue please!!

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