Option to Show Full URL in Address Bar

Please add a toggle switch to show the full URL in the URL bar at all times, instead of only showing it when typing in the URL. Having the full URL bar present helps users to notice redirects sooner, and to know exactly where they are going. In addition, it helps with navigating a website easier and quicker, e.g. if you are on an image board with a different URL for every image and need to hit the back button a lot. It can help with identifying oddities in the URL at a glance, which can help with avoiding malicious sites impersonating legitimate websites. Finally, Brave Browser for iOS is one of the few browsers that doesn’t have this option.

There are many reasons that we should have the full URL displayed, so please add an option for this.

Hello? I don’t understand why this kind of proposal is just getting entirely ignored. There’s an entire GitHub proposal someone made that’s just been sitting there since December 2023 and it’s just been completely ignored.

I can’t speak to how Brave is implemented across different platforms, but on a linux (Debian) desktop and laptop, the option you’re requesting is available / has been available for … a while:


Always show full URLs is the last option in Toolbar.

This is for iOS (check the tags of this topic).

It only shows the base of the URL (e.g. it only shows “community.brave.com” no matter where on this site I am) unless I tap it to edit the URL. There is no option to change this behavior.

It just keeps getting buried… please let us show the full URLs on iOS.

Please add this feature :smiling_face_with_tear:

Still waiting to hear about this