Display complete URL, Even When URL Is Long

Is there a way to extend the length of the address bar in Brave Browser when space is available to its right and left. Images and notes below are intended to clarify objective.
Increase the width of the address bar, to make it easier to see complete URLs when URLs are long

For fullsize image, please click on image.
Unused space to the right, and sometimes (depending on width of browser window) to the left of the address bar.

For fullsize image, please click on image.


  1. Two icons and left edge of address bar shifted left.
  2. Length of address bar extended to right, filling blank space

Viewing page at https://mondostretch.fortress200g.work/mondoBusterBoss/www.legacy-systems.biz/htdocs/longview2500/_01_longview2025/0_deep-ground/0_most_essential_files/0_core_hookups/0_sis/0_jewel/0_hookup_support/moresupportfiles/

In an antiquated browser from EID*, the full url is visible in the address bar:

For fullsize image, please click on image.
*EID=Early Internet Days

Viewing same page with the modern and much preferred Brave Browser:

For fullsize image, please click on image.
For fullsize image, please click on image.

Hi @carla_rogers,
Yes there is. Go to SettingsAppearanceUse wide address bar
(shortcut enter brave://settings/?search=use+wide+address+bar into your address bar)

That was simple enough! Thank you!!

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