Always Show Full URLs IOS

Always Show Full URLs on Brave IOS seems to have been removed for some reason. I understand that it takes up much more space on a small device but I think it will still be a great feature for those who use it on Desktop.

This seems to have come up again, the most recent update of Brave on iOS now only shows the base domain, instead of the full URL. This is a potential security risk.


Same here. Only base domain shown on Brave for iPadOS. That’s quite risky and annoying. It seems that this was an issue on PC in 2019 and 2020 already and the change to the full URL extremely popular. Why is it being changed back again now on iPad?

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I’ve opened a feature request on Github to request that an ‘origin only’ toggle is added:

I don’t want origin-only, but I also respect some people do. By all means, make origin-only the default, but please please please don’t force it on me without giving me the option to choose. It’s obviously a point of contention for people, so instead of it being ping-ponged between each option every few years, just let each user choose.


Thanks a lot for your detailed request, that must have taken quite some time.

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I don’t understand why more and more mobile browsers are doing this. I really would like to be able to see the full URL at a glance, it’s nice for navigation and lets me spot red flags in URL changes.

Please add this feature as an option since Brave desktop also have this. You can make it off by default as the desktop version does turn this off by default, but please give users the option to show the full URL.

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