Old version of Brave is still default on my win box. why is the old version still even on my system after upgrade

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Description of the issue:
Not ready to fully switch to brave. Some things just dont work right yet. Like some sites, only work in Chrome, not brave…
But … .
I installed brave from your website a while back. After running it, I was almost immediately asked to upgrade…wierd, but ok… I upgrade.
Now it seems I have 2 versions of Brave installed. One that I open via my shortcut…but when I just choose (right click) - open with - (select Brave)- it opens in the old browser.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.
Download old verison-

  • upgrade to new version
    old version still uses the Brave designation in the system and new Brave is blocked.

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

Expected result:
WHen I upgrade, old Brave gets killed and body dumped
Reproduces how often:
Every time I click

Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):
NEW BRAVE (Version 0.61.51 Chromium: 73.0.3683.75 (Official Build) (64-bit))

Brave 0.25.304
V8 6.9.427.23
rev 3ecf323
Muon 8.1.8
OS Release 10.0.17134
Update Channel Release
OS Architecture x64
OS Platform Microsoft Windows
Node.js 7.9.0
Brave Sync v1.4.2
libchromiumcontent 69.0.3497.100

Reproducible on current live release (yes/no):
Additional Information:
Full list of installed browsers:
IE (mandatory for work)
Chrome Canary
Brave old

Nevermind. Uninstalled both. This worked.

Brave New and Old look the same in my app menu, so it was a 50/50 chance.

So… I get that I should have been more clear…

I uninstalled both brave versions by mistake (logos where the same, and no information to tell which one was which).

Re-installing solved the problem (after un-installing both braves).

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