Notifications not working on TopDesk

Hi all. I’m new here.
I’m trying to enable notification on TopDesk (use for Work), but notifications are not working:

I already testes notifications for Brave using and they are working!

Here are the permissions on TopDesk website:

Can anyone help me on this? Thanks!

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You may need to allow cookies on this particular site for notifications to come through, but it’s hard to tell since I can’t test this myself. Can you try the following:

  • First, try visiting the site, opening your Shields panel (Lion icon in the address bar) and changing the cookies setting to All cookies allowed. The page will refresh – see if you’re now able to view notifications.
  • If that does not work, can you try disabling Shields entirely (main big toggle at the top) just to see if they are the cause of the notifications not appearing?
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