I am not currently receiving ads or accruing any
rewards. My region is supported.
answers for
Why don’t I see Brave Ads? 5
Running browser in full screen mode
(i do not run browser in full screen mode)
System notifications not enabled
( it is enabled)
Focus Assist enabled on Windows
(OS Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Media was playing on the active tab
(Media was not playing I’m sure it’s okay)
User were running multiple browsers with the same wallet
( I’m run one browser)
User assumption that they will receive 40 ads per day (consistently)
(i have stopped seeing Brave Ads)
User manually modified browser state files
(did not modify)
Users manually backup (copy/paste) and restore their user profiles to new computers
(did not backup (copy/paste)
Some setting configured incorrectly
(I don’t know, but I didn’t change anything and it worked)
Had some device or software installed conflicting with the feature (Ads)
( I toffled off all for the browser)
Had hit their cap for ads received per day and/or had no relevant ad campaigns running at the time (which may appear as though ads “just stopped”)
(Can’t check that, but the issue is almost a 2 months old)
Were looking at the wrong numbers to make the call that ads weren’t working (for example, seeing their wallet stay at 0BAT – as it should until payout – but didn’t realize their estimated earnings for the month was increasing)
(That, I’m sure it’s okay)
Had a gaming mouse/peripheral enabled (known issue)
(I had no a gaming mouse/peripheral enabled)
Had wallets that were flagged for fraudulent activity
(That it’s okay too)
Windows 7.
Brave version:
Version 1.22.71 Chromium: 89.0.4389.114 (Official Build) (64-bit)
My Uphold wallet is not yet verified, and I have been an active
Brave user over a year