@steeven , @mattches till this time not credited the the bat in my wallet of January month , The date of payment was given February 7 . But till now nothing credited in my wallet .Find solution for this
Wallet payment ID: f929f522-a9c8-4a9c-85f7-c8458c1c49fe
Brave 1.35.103 Chromium: 98.0.4758.102
We are currently in the process of retrying a number of payments that didn’t properly go through this month. You are likely included in this list. We do appreciate your patience and hope to have this process completed in the next couple of days.
Thank you.
Did this payment get processed? I am in the same situation, second month in a row.
Hello, i have the same issue on January and February. what to do ?
Thank you.
@spawt Current months payments are still processing, so chance you’ll see them. But if you haven’t received January’s payment then you’ll need to send a DM to @Mattches and @steeven explaining that you’re missing both months (try to emphasize the older payment, because we tend to overlook anything on current since it’s not all sent out yet).
When you DM (don’t post here, send them a message) them, try to include your Wallet Info from brave://rewards-internals
. Also be advised they get lots of messages and are tagged in MANY posts daily, so it might take a while to get to yours, but they will work on it.
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