No longer earning rewards?

For some reason I am no longer earning rewards?
Middle of the month and still sitting at Nov
0.032 - 0.055 BAT!
What is going on?? and how do I get it fixed?

Also still have not received rewards for for Oct. in uphold, wallet is connected.


@biggy1 can’t answer too much because you erased the template this website adds to text boxes as we create topics. Things like which version of Brave you’re using, which OS, etc would be critical.

Also important is you provided no details about what ads you have seen. For example:

Two things to consider:

  • You could look at things as I discuss at How can I see more ads? as it touches on things that may be related.

  • You could check to see if there are a lot of ads available in your region by going to It’s possible you reached the view limits for ad campaigns in your area that target your device.

Sorry never read all the stuff I deleted.
Latest Brave Browser on Windows 11.
Should be much higher as I use Brave on a daily bases.
I tried that region link without success. I am in Canada.

@biggy1 so the screenshot you shared does indicate you’ve seen ads, but it’s definitely low. Not even just in notification ads but in New Tab Page ads. These are things that would be shown even if suspended or anything. Brave never stops showing people ads. In fact, NTP ad is pretty much guaranteed one in every 3-4 times we open the New Tab Page, with 15 minute pauses between seeing the last ad. (so can force a NTP ad once every 15 minutes)

If you aren’t seeing anything, then I’d wonder what might have be broken.

You saying that the link showed nothing? You should have seen something like below, though sometimes have to refresh the page a time or two if doesn’t load properly:

And to explain more about that, you can check out Understanding Brave Ads Catalog Viewer

Got it today.
How do I fix the no rewards?

Same with me ,for the past 2 days my bat earning are stuck at (2.864-4.920),even when i click on the brave sposnored ads the BATs are not increasing.Still same

21st of the month and rewards still only 0.073-0.123

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