Need amedments in Brave rewards policy

Hey there i am from india and i am using brave for about a week and there are some issues.(i am on latest version)
Device : poco m2 Android 10 are coming on browser but they are not getting counted every/time/hour

2.its nice to get Bats but as a new user the earning with an counted ads is less than (.01)$ isn’t it too harsh for new users wouldn’t it be nicer. Old users looted down and new users appx nothing. of now if i will not be able to make more than 25 bats in a month they will get lost. Why is so??

If there are less brave ads for my country shouldn’t the limit of minimum BATS or the time period should be different than those who getting more??
( i think there should be no limit for verifying the wallet at least)(max 12-15)

4.i use my browser whole day abt 6- 8 hours and ads set to max 5 but i can’t get over 20 in whole day if so then counting problems :cold_sweat:

Plz do make some amendments to your policies and try to ads mechanism work purely and clearly not buggy.

Otherwise there is no browser near THE BRAVE. I am a proud User but plz be MORE BRAVE


I think you need a break.

maximum ads per day is 20

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