Hi, My BAT disappeared as well… I looked at history to find your comment… @Prastab
Restore wallet key and restart device
Hi @Sea,
As @Dgenies mentioned, try by restoring your wallet key. Instructions here - https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020673191-How-do-I-back-up-or-Restore-my-Wallet-in-Brave-
Thanks so much for your help!
Hi Sea, I got your comment via email as I deleted my post. I hadn’t fully closed my browser for some days, and thought it could be because of that. And thankfully, I saw all the BAT tokens once I relaunched my Browser. So it wasn’t hacked or anything, just relaunching worked in my case. I hope yours gets restored as well.
Same for me @Prastab… We silly humans.
Haha. No, but it’s good to know that we now have to relaunch the browser once in a while.
Hi @Sea, glad that did the trick!
Mine did also I hope it went to the developers.
My son’s Brave Wallet earnings disappear fully, or partially, every time he restarts his computer. He just tried to Restore Wallet Key and Restart Device, and it didn’t work/restore his lost earnings…
Hi @MrPatrick,
Thanks for reaching out! Are his earnings from viewing ads or as a verified publisher?
Just from viewing ads.
Patrick Leddy
This just happened to me right now. All my coins that I have earned are gone and have no idea how to get them back? They are from viewing ads. What do I do?
Hi, today Ive received few BAT on my multiple devices, all had an error in common, at claming the reward, when trying to prove Im not a robot and matching what it asks to do. It even happened the exact same to a friend of mine, but despite the error, the rewards would show up on the wallets and on 2 devices I could even use them, but on my phone they have just disappeared and when I open the wallet, it says Ive given 19BAT to non verified content creators, which is not true. I know damn well who I tip and no, I dont have auto contributing on. I also have payouts pending since june, Ive everything verified since then aswell. Can somebody help me?
Mine went from 48BAT to zero. Now it says I owe money. I don’t get it. I never did anything for anyone.
You’ve designated 1.0 BAT for creators who haven’t yet signed up to receive contributions. Your browser will keep trying to contribute until they verify, or until 90 days have passed. Learn more.
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