Multiple profiles connected to zebpay but received rewards from only one

I connected 3 brave browser profiles (brave nightly,brave beta and brave browser) in the respective order about 2 months ago when zebpay came out as custodian but i only received rewards for 1 profile (brave browser) which i connected last.What happened to my other profile rewards?

@milson generally speaking, they combine payments into one and payout. So just because you only received one payment doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t get your BAT. Did you pay any attention to the amounts paid?

yes I got the rewards of only one profile which is still half of the 3 profiles combined but that was 1 month ago and i still didnt receive the rewards in total this payout

@milson then fill out a Rewards Support Ticket at Just keep in mind might need to be a bit patient. We’re creeping up on Christmas and New Years. Support generally doesn’t work on the weekends or on American holidays. So there may be delays in them being able to respond to tickets.

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