Didn't get the previous BAT i had after connecting Zebpay

I saw a notice a month ago to connect a custodial account before 31st oct to get hold of the brave rewards. I created a zebpay account and connected it with my brave browser. I previously had 60BAT but after connecting the zebpay account it became 0 and a notice appeared that I will get all the previous rewards in the next payout cycle but I didn’t get any BAT token in this payout cycle. Where did my bat tokens go?

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? (Menu --> About Brave)
I am using Windows 11

Who is your verified custodian? (Uphold/Gemini/bitFlyer)
Zebpay previously it was uphold.

Are you in a supported region? (see here for list of supported regions)

raise a ticket at

Make sure to share the ticket id here (you’ll get one to your email when you submit the ticket).

Also please be patient as it could take upto 2 - 3 weeks for a response due to the high number of incoming tickets, thanks!

Here is the ticket id 234427

i received my rewards on zebpay, just be patient and wait for a while ig.

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