I know I’ve seen posts on this before and I’ve followed the help listed in them but nothing has worked for me.
I normally use the Pandora app on my windows computer to play music but recently I’ve gotten into streaming and I like my stream chat to know what song is playing. To do this, I needed to add a browser extension to Brave (Scrobble) which links my music to my stream so when someone types a specific command it will tell them what song is playing.
The issue I’ve come to now is I cannot use this Scrobbler with the Pandora pp, I need top actually have Pandora open in my browser. Okay cool, I can do that! Except, now my play/pause and skip song buttons don’t work! They work with the app just fine but in browser nothing works anymore.
I have tried the flag to enable/disable hardware media key handling and still nothing.
I have made a new profile to test and see if it will work there, nothing.
I only have three extensions in Brave. Lastpass, Pandora extension, and Scrobbler extension.
I have tried going into the extension settings and making a key shortcut but it doesn’t work.
I am at a loss for what to try next and could use some help.