Hi, Iv encountered a problem signing in with MetaMask using the Brave brower recently. I double checked with Chrome and also using brave on Mac, which worked. however it did not on Windows. Is it a known issue, or is there annything i can do?
This is what it says in the metamask when i try using anny Dapp
“We noticed that the current website tried to use the removed window.web3 API. If the site appears to be broken, please click here for more information.”
Same issue here on Win10 latest updates, only have issue when using brave. chrome works fine.
I tried to remove metamask from brave and reinstall/restore wallet. no dice
the problem apparently is with the web3 pages from metamask they recommend to use another extension called MetaMask Legacy Web3. But the problem was not solved.
In my case I just downloaded and installed the brave browser Nightly Version 1.29.26 and metamask worked correctly.
I will use this nightly browser for a moment because I have to do some transactions today.
Oh thank goodness it’s not just me I was going crazy the past 2 days since the last update.
I’m on Mac latest version using Brave latest version.
I tried the 2nd Metamask Ext. for Web3 pages but it still dose not work.
I was able to use chrome and had no issues using MetaMask so it’s something def wrong with the last Brave update that came out. I also want to know if there is a way to revert to an older version of Brave.
Hi managed to sort mine by going into Brave settings and turning off (Load crypto wallets on startup) then restarting browser hope this may help some of you.
I’ve turned off Load crypto wallets on startup and now I can manually connect with wallets on Metamask BUT the connection cannot appear on DEFI webpages (eg.: https://debank.com/). Problem partially solved.