Metamask error reported in console even though I don't have metamask installed

I’m running brave with the brave wallet. I don’t have metamask installed so I don’t understand where this console error is coming from.

Any ideas are appriciated!

Uncaught Error: MetaMask detected another web3.
     MetaMask will not work reliably with another web3 extension.
     This usually happens if you have two MetaMasks installed,
     or MetaMask and another web3 extension. Please remove one
     and try again.
    at Object.<anonymous> (inpage.js:1:1077)
    at Object.<anonymous> (inpage.js:1:1365)
    at 1../lib/setupWeb3.js (inpage.js:1:1378)
    at i (inpage.js:1:254)
    at e (inpage.js:1:414)
    at inpage.js:1:431
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That’s interesting. I know Brave Wallet can tie in with MetaMask, such as if you click on an Add to MetaMask thing, it can go to Wallet if you’re not using MetaMask directly. But even then, I’m not quite certain how that works or anything (keep in mind, I’m just another User and I don’t mess with much on crypto yet).

I’m going to tag @Mattches and @SaltyBanana on this in hopes they can swing by later with some insight.

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Unclear on why you’re seeing this error if MM is not installed — have asked the Wallet team for more information. Appreciate your patience — lots of people on PTO right now for the holidays.

Thank you so much! When folks get back I’m curious to hear what people think… I appreciate the active community here!

Can you send a screenshot of both your brave://settings/wallet page as well as your brave://extensions page?

I’m not seeing the error in the console any more!

If it happens again, I’ll update this thread.

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