Logging into on-line banking

downloaded nightly and tested it but it still has the original problem I’m sorry to say :thinking:

Give it the next 24-48hrs, for the lists to update.

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ok, will give it a couple of days and get back to you. This is a really good service, I can see you are working hard at fixing the issue and you reply promptly. Thank you for your efforts, The more I use Brave, the more impressed I become. :kiss:

If it doesn’t work, We can test with Sheilds off and then using Ublock origin. Selectively whitelisting the elements so we can discover the issue.

Just tried again . still has the issue

Okay, install UBO (enable just Easylist/Easyprivacy lists) and then disable sheilds. Does it work with Barclays?

@Sallyann How is it looking? Did you manage to install Ublock Origin (Extension) too see if it worked?

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