Linux - Youtube video on full screen - only upper half of the video control line at the botton is shown

Description of the issue:
On Linux (Debian 12, RHEL 9.4, Ubuntu 22.04.4, etc.), using the current version of the Brave browser (version 1.67.116), when I play any Youtube video in full screen, the line of video controls at the bottom expands beyond the screen limits, which cuts off the bottom half of that line, as shown in the screenshots. So I can see only the upper half of the icons and text of that line.
The prior version, the 1.66.118, works properly.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open the Brave browser.
  2. Go to Youtube, pick a video, run it in full screen.
  3. The video control line on the bottom does not fit on the screen; only half of it is shown.

Expected result:
The full video control line should be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
brave-browser_1.67.116 _amd64.deb
Additional Information:
The prior version, the 1.66.118 version, was working properly.

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Solved - the bug discribed in this topic has been solved in version 1.67.119.

Thanks a lot!