Leaving this nonsense behind forever. Won't waste another second of my time on this total crap browser

Took me a day of my life to verify last month so I could access 7 cents worth of BAT that was supposed to be 10X as much. Of course I got nothing this month because none of this bullshite works ever. Total horse shite product. Never again will I try to do anything with basic bullshite token and I’ll be sure to tell anyone who will listen for the rest of my days not to either. I hope this ridiculous bs token falls apart harder than Luna. I have one page that say I earned over 8 Bat last month that should have been paid out two days ago that I’m sure I’ll never see. A rewards page that is just blank white space now. And if I click the triangle in the browser everything is at zero. Maybe I can spend the next two days trouble shooting to get my 12 cents? Done with this shite browser forever. You get the award for most frustrating product in recent memory. Who ever is responsible for this buggy shite product sucks at their job.

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it’s a browser dude
not a job
get a job.
If you want money for nothing become an MP
or an influencer
You too can be an asshole
You’re more than half way there already


only the truth hurts and in this comment is a lot truth

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Apologies dude. I have tourettes and a couple other often linked neurological disorders and I do my best but sometimes patience runs a bit thin when faced with extremely frustrating things and Brave has unfortunately been that for me. It does seem like more than just bad luck on my part with the amount of issues I’ve had but now that I’ve cooled off I’m certainly willing to concede it could be that. Either way once I’ve lost my cool it’s best to move on to another browser. But as a former LouisCypher to another I like the cut of your jib sir. Apologies to you and anyone else I offended. It’s a daily battle with my brain chemicals unfortunately and meds for it will seriously ruin your life. Even my doctor is like ya no you don’t want to do that. Lol

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good luck
keep fighting

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