How to I invoke it? Thanks.
(the toggle is in bottom of screenshot below, but located in the area where you choose your language)
When you visit a site in another language, the prompt should show to the right of your address bar, near your Shields and Rewards icons, such as you can see in the screenshot below:
Thanks. Giving it a try.
Yep. Btw, if it doesn’t work well for you, try to go to brave://flags
and Enable Enable internal translate engine (brave-translate-go)
I had been using it that way since last version of Brave. I just put it to default and went to test what they added to current Brave version, but it told me it couldn’t translate
So I went back to enable the flag and it translated with no issues. Not sure if other people will have issues with the release version of translate. Just wanted to mention the backup here just in case.
I tried it with a page in a language I do read (but Brave is set up English only). That’s so I could check if it’s doing a good job.
It offered to install Google Translate (which I have bookmarked but not “installed”).
Next I will see what’s up after changing that flag.
It does not support Bengali
Just relaunched.
At least for Italian, it’s about as good as machine translation gets, which is satisfactory for anything non-literary.
A good feature, and simpler to use than the Google product.
Just checked. Only 15 languages.
Several of the biggies missing. Presumably more to come?
Yeah, copy/paste of something I wrote last week:
They are working on expanding languages. Right now, only have 15.
You can see status of languages at and there’s a Join This Project
button for people to help. I didn’t go through to see what their requirements are, but I do see they are way behind in in a lot of languages, such as only 18% Gujarati.
I notice from the Transifex link that English (United Kingdom) only 99%.
Jolly good show.
I also notice Italian is 100% but Italian (Italy) only 99%.
That is to distinguish it from Italian (New York), right?
Helpful, to be sure.
However, I like that Vivaldi lets you copy text into their side panel in the translator app and just translate specific sentences or paragraphs. It’s been very useful in my language studies.
In the meantime, I’m using DuckDuckGo’s tool and Google Translate for my Duolingo exercises.
I’ve been using DeepL. It’s been the most accurate and useful. Their browser extension is pretty good but then their app/program itself gives more customization. For example, you can edit the glossary. English to Spanish had been doing BAT as MTD but after i changed glossary It’s keeping BAT as BAT.
Either one works as you’re saying. But compared to using Google Translate, people have told me DeepL is closer to legit language where Google Translate is easy to tell it is machine translation. (Oh, and premium version of DeepL has ability to toggle between casual and polite speech)
Good to know, @Saoiray, thank you! I’ll definitely check this out.
Let me know what you think, when you do. Just one thing I should mention, the negative of it is it doesn’t do whole page translation. Only translates what text you highlight and all. So if ever needing full page translation, no choice but to use Brave Translate or Google Translate pretty much.
That’s exactly what I’m looking for right now. I use tools like this when I’m doing advanced challenges or tests on Duolingo or when I was taking a Latin class a year ago.
Interesting question.
The product has to do two things. Not just translate when given a language, but also identify a language.
I’ve noticed the Google product sometimes slips up with some of the Slavic languages, especially when the text is not quite modern in form.
Many thanks for the translator, especially in the android version. The quality of the translation is a little worse than that of Google, I would like to know what engine you have. I also want to know if in the future the choice of search engine will be made like Firefox, that is, you type a query and select a search engine? Very comfortably
It works well for Spanish. I still have to use other resources for Latin, but it’s not like it’s a popular spoken language. Appreciate your suggestion!
The Transifex link is about Brave UI localization, not Brave Translate supported languages.
Had come across it somewhere when I was looking into it, but in quick searches not seeing it related to translate. So might have gotten that wrong. I may look deeper again but am pretty sure had seen it connected via Github somewhere as I was looking into translation. However, we can’t be right 100% of the time.
Thanks for pointing it out anyway. I’ll have to see if they are related, if I got that wrong, or where that stands.