Latency (please, read the post before marking it as spam)

Based upon feedback from another brave forum user, I now post my same message to the feature request category.
Before I bump off with my message, I want to say a few things:

  • On the topic of previous posts, I continue talking about the same topic, due to me continuing to achieve to make brave appeal to all users. I continuously look to improve brave’s performance, specifically where it matters in order to appeal to all users, until it’s optimized
  • Concerning creating a brave forum poll, in order to ask other brave forum users about their preference between privacy and to make latency perform as fast as a split second, that would address brave forum users. I am not aware of most brave forum users sharing my desire with brave. Instead, I see most brave forum users prioritizing privacy over making brave appeal to all users. Therefore, I am reluctant in creating said poll
  • Another brave forum user was annoyed by my criticism. His annoyance has led to one of my posts being marked as spam twice. This has ultimately led to him using a facepalm emoji out of annoyance over my criticism

And now, my message (this includes how I currently observe brave’s team):
In order for brave browser to appeal to all users, it’s necessary for brave’s team to order the devs to prioritize making brave’s webpage and content play latency perform within a split second, over anything else. Brave’s team currently prioritizes privacy over anything else. That will always hold brave back from appealing to all users.

I disagree with you on this point. Privacy should be the priority.


Exactly as I said, you prioritize privacy over appealing to all users

In that case, why not go to Chrome?

So now whether this Topic or one of the others you’ve made, keep it alive if you’d like by replying to it every once in a while (actually, feature request doesn’t automatically close in 30 days like others do). If you continually keep making Topics discussing the same thing, it becomes spam. People, especially from Brave, read through everything the best they can. You’ll have responses, such as you’ve had in the past.

Sharing your opinion/feedback is always okay, just was replicating into several topics where it was beginning to be a problem. Hopefully you know that this feedback of yours may not have any responses, but it doesn’t mean it’s ignored.

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I want both speed and privacy. IMO, Brave does a great job of balancing both. The only times I’ve had issues with speed were from known bugs that were fixed in either a Brave and/or Chromium update.

My system is ancient and believe me, I notice speed issues. Currently I have a speed bump when loading Brave for the first time after my system is coming out of sleep mode and I expect this given the age of my system and my system resources. Once my system is fully loaded, then this speed bump disappears and I can load/unload Brave with no problems even with multiple programs open. That’s a win for me.

Right now, I am happy with Brave’s performance. However, If I ever start experiencing painful latency issues, I would have to switch browsers. So, I guess that means I prefer latency over privacy, however, latency is just not an issue for me at the present time.

Being the “fastest” every time all the time just isn’t important to me and Brave’s performance in load tests is just fine (and better than other browsers in some cases) as far as I’m concerned. Assigning additional resources ($$) over everything else to make “brave’s webpage and content play latency perform within a split second” is just not a prudent use of resources imo. I am not even sure this would even pull in additional users… can you provide any information or research that indicates this would be the case?

Again, I think Brave is doing a great job of balancing priorities and concerns in regards to latency vs privacy and I’m satisfied with their efforts with both.

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Being the “fastest” every time all the time just isn’t important to me
Exactly as I said, you prioritize privacy over appealing to all users.
Besides, it’s no matter of beating others. It’s a matter of achieving.

Two things.

  1. Just want to reiterate what I said before about how Brave is focusing on both speed and privacy equally as their #1. Also in how majority of testing done by people, Brave is performing better than other browsers.
  1. Where privacy is starting to matter is where governments and others are misuing it and violating rights. Check out articles below for examples.

People are collecting, selling, and buying all of our personal information. This includes governments who are watching our every step without warrants, which is against laws/constitutions of some countries. Add in how lack of privacy also results in hacked bank accounts and other things which have a significant impact on our lives, it has to be recognized that privacy (which is part of security in general) is pretty danged important.

Yes, we all want speed, but you won’t have anyone who wants to be the fastest but with no security.

All I want is to achieve having brave appeal to all users. It’s not about what my preferences of a browser are. It’s about all users. If performance on privacy makes something appeal to all users, then I want brave to achieve privacy over anything else. All I know is that chrome performs on latency as such to appeal to all users. Therefore, I say, in order to appeal to all users, latency performance must be prioritized over anything else.

If any brave forum user wants to tell brave about his/her preferences, then I suggest to tell brave, instead of commenting to one of my posts

Maybe, but when I’ve been looking at overall performance, speed, etc then it seems Brave is equal to or better than Chrome. The important part here is if you think other browsers are doing better in this realm, it would be nice to show information to support that claim. Not only would it help to “educate” Users but the details can also help Brave to better understand and make changes, if necessary.

Commenting on yours helps to keep it on top in terms of activity, which makes it more likely to be seen by Brave. Plus, if you’re able to discuss this in greater detail, you may “win over” other people who can support your opinion. If enough people all feel the same way, then Brave is more likely to adjust. Guess it’s just up to you on whether you feel like trying to find information to support what you’re saying or to have those conversations. If not, then you can always just stay silent, but that’s up to you.

It’s not arguing or being mean, it’s trying to have a conversation and develop a better understanding of what people think, what Users want, and what’s actually best for everyone in the long run. Newton’s Third Law actually covers a lot more than just physics, it’s also true in things like opinions and discussions. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means you’ll always have people who agree and equally disagree. Also, as the saying goes, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. lol

Anyway, not here to talk down or argue. Literally here to discuss and make sure we’re all understanding each other.

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You don’t think privacy isn’t appealing to all users?

Scenario #1: Web page loads in 1/2 of a second and gives up some privacy.

Scenario #2. Web page loads in 1 second and provides a lot of privacy.

No brainer for me. Scenario #2.

But then again, I am older and instant gratification isn’t my priority. Good things come to those that wait.

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almost instantly

'almost in a blink’

performance is one of the best

'Speed and Performance

lightning speed

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Speed, Security, and Convenience As Major Advantages

In the Chrome engine, an unprecedented security system was introduced, which makes 99% of the attack on the user’s data untenable. It acts as a reliable screen, isolating the user from the most common attempts of ill-wishers to somehow compromise his data.

Google has a lot of web-based products, and they have the best engineers by their side to control the internet and its services, which ensure that the updates to google chrome always carry security patches and bug fixes so that no malicious attempt is made to hamper the working of the browser.

Chrome browser can be downloaded for Android smartphones, Linux based systems, windows systems, and also on Mac OS systems. It is platform-independent. It has a wider reach because of which people love it.

You could even go for a Chromium-based browser to keep all of the performance of Chrome without Google collecting your data.

NOTE Brave is a Chromium-based browser. So you get all the performance without the data collection.

Awesome information, though all but one is kind of outdated. It was 2019, 2017, and 2021.

On the desktop, Brave loads pages twice as fast as Chrome and Firefox, the №1 and №3 browsers in the world as ranked by analytics vendor Net Applications. On a smartphone, Brave loads pages up to eight times faster than Chrome (Android) or Safari (iOS).

Brave browser loads websites 8 times faster than chrome in mobile.

The results show that Brave is faster than Chrome on Android with a score of 250.97 against 217.56 on the Basemark Web 3.0 test. We conducted the tests on the same device with all other apps closed during the testing period.

Many people may be astonished to learn that Google Chrome no longer ranks #1 in many performance tests. This is because Chrome swept the browser industry when it first launched, thanks to its lightning-fast JavaScript speed.

That benefit was a big part of why it was so popular initially. It’s still quick, although rival browsers like Brave have since caught up to it, if not surpassing it, in terms of speed.

Hands down one of the best web browsers in terms of speed.

A few more tabs did not slow down my whole experience, and Brave consumed no more than 2% of my CPU.

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I just used both brave and chrome on pc. I can’t tell a difference in latency performance. When chrome loads a webpage within a split second, it seems brave loads the same webpage within the same split second. Latency is one aspect of browsing performance. Another is performance on ease of use. I can’t tell a difference in ease of use of browsing webpages.
Browsing performance is about straight-forward searching and using webpages with basically zero latency. With chrome, there are no privacy features that can be of any obstacle whatsoever. Chrome doesn’t fail on (parts of) webpage usability. Brave’s privacy features change the usability of certain webpages. Blocking parts of webpages means that certain parts of certain webpages become unusable. I’ve experienced before that I couldn’t use certain options of certain webpages.
In order to optimize brave’s performance when enabling its privacy features, the privacy features are not to intervene whatsoever with webpage functionality.

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Sounds about right. Excellently said. Sometimes the privacy settings help for sites to load faster and use less of your device’s resources. But unfortunately, sometimes it can cause conflicts in sites which either slow the loading of the site or can break certain features. This is something that Brave is always working to improve. Until then, they give us a bit of a choice in how we want to handle things. (by allowing us the option of turning Shields on or off)

I do agree 100% though that it will be nice as we see the developers find ways to have the browser operate more efficiently.

Improvements in Easylist and Easyprivacy, new adservers and trackers daily.

Load a site in Chrome (no extensions), Dev tools. Performance Tab. and run profile. The do the same thing in Brave (no extensions). Then compare the profile load times.

I’d already discussed latency performance with another brave forum user, as you can see in the comments on this post.
I concluded that since chrome uses no privacy features, it has no obstacles in (parts of) webpage usability. In order for brave to perform on (parts of) webpage usability, its privacy features are not allowed to intervene with (parts of) webpage functionality.

From the way Brave is advertised, I would assume that they are not trying to appeal to all users, but instead a subset of users for whom privacy IS the priority. As another user commented, I would rather have the webpage load in a second and retain my right to privacy than to give that privacy up for a 1/2 second faster latency. I personally began using Brave because it was advertised as a privacy-oriented web browser. I honestly am prepared to sacrifice a little convenience for the sake of not having my personal data collected, collated, and sold to all and sundry.

Latency may be important, but it is probably not the MOST important aspect for Brave users. I would dare say most of us are here for the privacy.