Webpage latency performance

Not necessarily the truth. Brave has priorities on both ends, though privacy is the thing most users care about. This is why people are using VPN and many other things. We’re tired of having our data collected and sold by businesses, having our devices hacked or corrupted by viruses/malware, and so much more.

But to say that Brave isn’t putting a priority on performance shows you don’t know much of what your’e talking about. Seriously, try to research things a bit.

The results show that Brave is faster than Chrome on Android with a score of 250.97 against 217.56 on the Basemark Web 3.0 test. https://www.makeuseof.com/brave-vs-chrome-which-is-best-android/


Recent speed tests reveal a significant improvement in Brave’s speed. It is far superior to the one provided by Microsoft Edge, and it may be equivalent to the one provided by Mozilla Firefox.


In terms of speed, Chrome is no match to Brave. Hence, this should not be up for any further debate. https://rigorousthemes.com/blog/brave-vs-chrome-which-is-better/


Out of three tests, Brave won two . The real power of Brave Browser is ad-blocking. It automatically blocks ads, which helps the browser to be faster. Google Chrome loads all the content on the webpage, taking extra time to load fully. https://www.mksguide.com/google-chrome-vs-brave/


Now here’s the aspect where Brave takes it away in this Brave vs Chrome battle. Brave has been found to be faster than Chrome when it comes to loading webpages. Now Brave claims it to be eight times faster than Chrome, the difference is not that much. But yes, there does exist a considerable difference. I tested that on my own.

Website Tested Chrome Brave
fox.com 8:13 sec 6.12 sec
nytimes.com 8.42 sec 5.48 sec
youtube.com 3.5 sec 3.5 sec
Facebook Homepage 2.6 sec 2.7 sec

So, as you see, there is a minute difference between browser speed and performance and Brave comes out above Chrome. The difference might be bigger if Brave’s ad-blocker is turned on. https://wethegeek.com/chrome-vs-brave-browser/


When it comes to performance, Brave renders pages slightly faster than Firefox. Using Basemark’s Web 3.0 benchmarking tool, which runs twenty tests on a web browser, here are the scores the browsers received:

  • Brave: 647.47
  • Firefox: 635.54

The higher the score, the better, so Brave beat Firefox by a slim margin. https://www.techrepublic.com/article/brave-vs-firefox/


So, which one is faster? I took two tests to find that out. Brave performed better than Firefox in both rounds. Here is the table displaying the results:

Test Firefox Brave
Test 1 3.51 Seconds 3.41 Seconds
Test 2 4.53 Seconds 1.3 Seconds

So I find it kind of interesting you’re saying there’s issue or speaking like latency is an issue. Brave’s performance outperforms on a regular basis. They balance the two and do have it as a priority.