Install extension via . crx or .zip withou google chrome web f store

Can’t install extension without chrome store.

If I want to use google’s products I would not use brave but chrome.

brave://extension/whatever turn to chrome://extension/whatever and it say that page is unavailable!
I’ve activated developer mod.
I’ve downloaded .crx and .zip file but cant install them.

Btw…why but why I can’t import and export bookmarks on sd ?

**Expected result: is to easily and user friendly install extensions without chrome store.

Brave Version( check About Brave): Latest

Mobile Device details Expensive smartphone

Additional Information:

Thank you for your kind reply!

the thing is I can’t get developer options because brave://extensions/… or simmilar is not working. I get ERR_INVALID_URL.
I’ve tapped build number and did get developer options but only for ‘Tracing’.
I’ve used .zip from link you provided, unzziped it and all but cant’t get 'load unpacked 'option anywhere.

Thank you very much, you saved me hours of reading and also did alot for my mental health :slight_smile:
Brave do great job with adblocking.

All this is so I could instal NoScript or uMatrix.

I’ve used NoScript on Firefox for years and maybe the only reason I’ll return to Firefox (for now).

Some older wersion, new version became reason to leave firefox.

I’ll give try to Yandex…why not.

Thank you!

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