Extension not installed

Can’t install any extension from the web store

Hi there, I just installed Brave and I’m trying to install some extensions from the Chrome web store but they all fail. The download starts but it immediately fails, it says forbidden and then I get access denied from the web store.

I tried disabling the shield, allowing all cookies, clearing cache but nothing happened. I’d love to know how I can fix this.


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Which version of Brave do you use?

Brave Version 1.24.86

Brave Version is 1.24.86

The current latest version is
Version 1.33.106 Chromium: 96.0.4664.110 (Official Build) (64-bit)
for PC, Android and IOS (for all OS)

Did you download it from the correct Brave website?? It might be malicious brave browser, downloaded likely from fake google ad.

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