Infinity load in random pages ( ⇦ Slow loading or No loading)

Addendum to my earlier reply

A Mac OS command, for starting Brave Browser, including the switch of interest:

  • --enable-features=NavigationThreadingOptimizations

. . . is within the following shell script.

Purpose of this script, is to make the ( window) command line startup task easier.

After downloading this script to your Mac Desktop, change the .txt filename suffix to .sh (script name needs to be ‘’)

Instructions are also in the script, and you may view and edit the script as you believe necessary.

BB_Mac_start.txt (2.0 KB)

UPDATED 20220709 Saturday

Recent Brave Browser for desktop versions, still DO NOT include the feature switch:

  • --enable-features=NavigationThreadingOptimizations

So, I am guessing that Brave developers have made some improvement to loading speed, without that feature switch.

‘NavigationThreadingOptimizations’ is (terms: Navigation Threading Optimizations are) also NOT listed as a feature switch, in: brave://flags

While both:

  • --enable-features=BraveShieldsPanelV1 (terms: Enable Brave Shields v1)
  • --disable-features=BraveShieldsPanelV2 (terms: Enable Brave Shields v2)

are listed as feature switches in: brave://flags

AFTER you start up Brave Browser from the command line, go to: brave://version and take a look at the Command Line: info.

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same issue here in linux.
getting to be a real pain

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Anyone still having issues, try enabling brave://flags/#enable-prerender2.


@fanboynz This seems to be fixing this issue for me! Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Upgraded to 1.40.105 and so far problem has been solved. Hopefully it will last.

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Have seen th same on mine since the upgrade. Seems to be working fine now.


I would like to also report that after the latest upgrade the problem seems to have been fixed.


Working now for me as well. Thank you!


Still not working after new fresh update I saw few people wrote here that we need something to do through cmd to enable something ?

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It depends on the issue. The major, widespread one that I’m aware of should ‘fix itself’ upon the browser fetching a new config from upstream – in other words the problem should go away, provided that you’ve relaunched the browser recently (I’m guessing you probably have, considering you’ve updated it).

Then there was also this that you could try: brave://flags/#enable-prerender2

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Additional information from the the Brave GitHub issue report:
Many users experiencing extremely slow load times (or no loading at all)

atuchin-m commented

The issue was fixed by updating a feature config that is fetched by the browser from time to time.
Any release should works fine now.

Exception Instructions

atuchin-m commented

Guys, we recently have rolled out the feature to all audiences.
We believe you shouldn’t have this issue anymore.

If it seems you still have it, please restart the browser (to update the feature config) and check the symptoms.
The original issue had a few characteristic symptoms:

  • Absolutely blank page, no any visible content;
  • True infinite waiting loop, not a delay (nothing is changed after minutes/hours);
  • Reloading the page usually helps;
  • Disabling Shield/DeAmp doesn’t change anything;

If the symptoms don’t look like this, please file another issue.

If you are absolutely sure that you have this issue please post here:

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This Version 1.40.107 I have for brave now and still trying to load some sites but without success.

Then there was also this that you could try: brave://flags/#enable-prerender2
This need to go just through cmd ? or Im missing something

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Type it into the address-bar just like any url.
You could also just type “brave://flags” to see all flags available

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Still nothing even after ‘‘enable-pretender2’’ its not working. I also tried wit new profile/ private window same results seems like its the end of the road for brave on my PC.

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If you wanna give up already, then feel free to do so.
I’m also new to this and i didn’t had any problem so far which i couldn’t solve by my own and i am sure not smarter than you.

hang on!

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Just to be clear… since you aren’t the original poster of this thread, can you give a complete description of what you’re seeing? I’m wondering if it’s really the same issue or not.

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From few weeks ago after that update I turned ‘‘ON’’ my PC like every day/brave and I wanted to see some news on some site and from no where its stopped loading sites. I started searching for possible fast fix on internet/brave forum/youtube but nothing. I also tried with creating new profile/clearing cache/private window and 99% of sites are not loading for me. I also tried option using Tor from brave browser it worked without problem.
So the only sites that are working right now and Im aware is youtube/facebook/linkedIn

Edit: Just opened brave and its working right now lmao

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@DogeKing would be interesting to know what you did with your computer between yesterday (when it didn’t work) compared to today when it worked!

I just ask out of curiosity because normally issues don’t fix themselves.

For every effect there must be a cause, and when a cause is found there will inevitably be effects… :smile:

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Man yesterday I did this with enabling prerender2 in 2am and after few mins didnt work at all next morning I tried once again and it worked without problem. Today I tried to open twitter and its not working again even with prerender2 Idk whats happening here.


I dont get this like youtube/LinkedIn/facebook is loading without problem but rest of the site now nope Im gonna throw this PC in garbage.

Even fresh installed ‘Brave Beta’’ same problem not working same picture from above.

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So just small update on my side I see this thread is not active that much just want to see if someone else have same problem like me. So problem now after this all updates/prerender2 etc… Is that one day browser is working / other day not loading most of the sites …

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