IBM trusteer rapport

Does Brave support IBM Trusteer Rapport. I like others use Trusteer and its not working as it does with Chome, IE or Edge. Is very commonly used for added security strengthening the tunnel to banks.
Please advise.

I haven’t used IBM Trusteer repport, is there a example site I can test? @GunDog

My bank has been bought out, the new bank requires the installation of Trusteer for online access.

This is a browser addon that I loathe, I have not tried it with brave but on other browsers caused nothing but trouble, and extremely difficult to uninstall (older versions anyway)

Can anyone tell me if it works or not - from what I can see the answer could be NOT

I need/want Trusteer but it does not work on Brave. I posted the issue and have not heard a peep so not sure what the status is or if there are any plans to get it working. I have no issues with Trusteer and it does provide extra tunnel support… I use Chrome when I want to use Trusteer.

Just installed (in a VM). Once installed, it prompted me to install an extension (see below)

I have no knowledge how to use trusteer, but the installer + extension is working in Brave.

How do you know its working? There is an ICON at the top of the page that goes green if it is active.



From my screenshots on both ibm and Bank of America, both icons are green. Is this what is intended?

I would uninstall, and then re-install IBM trusteer report software, I tested this new Brave profile (which may also help)

I just re-tested this, uninstalled and re-installed the Rapport app.

Uninstalling Trusteer, then restarting PC. The re-installing Trusteer rapport, would be my first step.

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