IBM Trusteer Rapport extension does not work

I am using Brave [Version 1.4.96 Chromium: 80.0.3987.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)]
on Windows 10 v1909

The IBM Trusteer Rapport extension does not activate on my banking site. The Extension installs without any issue. I have deleted and re-installed it a number of times. However the extension icon in the address bar does not go green when I visit my banking site. This means that the extension is NOT active.
My bank site regularly requests that I install it, even though it is installed.

Very difficult to reproduce because you have to visit a website that uses the IBM Trusteer Rapport facility. Also the functionality of the extension is invisible to the user!

The Trusteer extension should work the same as it does in Google Chrome. This is a significant issue as many banking sites have adopted the Trusteer Rapport facility and some may REQUIRE its use.

Note that I have tried with the Brave Shields both Up and Down but this makes NO difference.

I can see that others have raised this issue last year but the thread was closed due to inactivity, I would suggest this means at least one user lost to Brave :frowning:


Not a single response☹️
Surely others are trying to use Brave on banking sites that use Rapport?
I appreciate this maybe a difficult issue but could someone at least have a look at it and let me know if it is even possible to resolve?

Still no response, not even a comment.
Is anybody there?

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