I have been using Brave browser for a couple of months now, on my Win10 PC. The browser almost always shows the “Aw, Snap” message. I have followed the instructions in https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018192251-How-do-I-fix-page-crashes-and-other-page-loading-errors-
yet the problem continues. Ihave also tried uninstalling and reinstalling Brave, but to no avail.
Please help.
@umeshmja Can you please go through the post below which may resolve the issue.
Hi @gsarvadnya, I tried all the steps. However, when I try to delete BraveSoftware folder from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\BraveSoftware\ , I get an error that says “Cannot Delete BraveSoftware. Error while deleting key”.
What could be the problem?
Could try restarting the PC (and ensure Brave isn’t running in the background, or having Brave running at all).
@fanboynz, thank you! That worked. I have re-installed Brave. So far, things seem ok. I will let you know if the issue pops up again. Thanks again for your help.
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