I cleaned my Local Appdata folder and My Saved Passwords Got Deleted

DECRIPTION: I Saw That My User Folder I big on size But I Don’t have that mush Installed in it so I decided to clean my Appdata folder, I went to the Appdata/Local and deleted some folders But I DID NOT TOUCH BRAVE’s FOLDER cause I know that It has Important things In it, When I finished cleaning it I restarted my computer and opened brave, everything is there history, benchmarks… except all my saved passwords, they were deleted also I got logged out of every website

Expected result: Nothing should of deleted cause I didn’t touch Appdata/Local/BraveSotware

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.38.119 Chromium: 101.0.4951.67 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Please Answer As Fast As You Can, and thank you



  1. Try checking recycle bin
  2. Try RECUVA freeware from ccleaner. Install it in D: not C;

I always clean the bin… and what does RECUVA do… I used a recovery software to see If I deleted something from Brave Folder and found nothing

Like other apps, cleaning out Appdata will clear all settings including Brave. Recommend to regularly backup the C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware also using a password manager to save passwords.

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BraveSoftware as I said Is untouched, I found the Login Data file thanks to This Thread and I Used The same software and found my websites and usernames but they are not showing in brave…

Never delete your local AppData. The folder consists of data from your apps, so you have basically lost almost all of your data on your PC. It can be recovered, but, the data won’t show up in the apps, as the app will not detect the folder after it has been recovered. Hope this helped.

who said I deleted all of it ??

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