HTTP 403 error when updating on a VM

Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Select ‘About Brave’ to get the version info & check for update. It starts the update process & looks like it is downloading something. It doesn’t finish. It then displays the following error HTTP 403 as shown in this image.

  2. I have Brave installed on 4 VMs running under the latest version of VMware Workstation that is running on Win10. Each VM is running Win7 64bits. I had no problems doing this manual check & upgrade about a week ago on these 4 VMs. Currently this works with Brave installed on Win7 & Win10 outside of VMware Workstation. I see that the latest version is 1.12.114 of Brave on Win7 & Win10 base systems outside of VMware Workstation.

  3. But if I download BraveBrowserSetup.exe & run it within the VMs, it successfully upgrades to 1.12.114. Obviously, there is a problem with the ‘upgrade’ associated with ‘About Brave’ automatic checking for latest version.

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.1.112 Chromium 84.0.4147.125
Additional Information:

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