How if flagging my account useful to anyone

Flagging is useful because there are MANY people who are violating terms and trying to scam Brave out of BAT. Having a system which flags accounts that have suspicious activity is quite healthy and normal. Keep in mind Brave Rewards is not a job or a guaranteed source of income.

Usually accounts that get flagged had used VPN or Proxy servers to try to bypass ad restrictions, changed Brave folder information, use fradulent accounts, attempt to manipulate balances, etc. For example, people with 15-30+ devices set to “farm” BAT the entire day, all on the same IP address. Or people who are in some random country but try to spoof things to look like they are in the United States to view more ads. The list goes on. As to fraudulent accounts and all, not sure if you’ve ever seen where people shared about it, such as at Some Fraudsters Buying and selling Gemini and Uphold accounts for BAT token withdrawal

For what? To let people know exactly what’s being monitored so those doing wrong will know how to circumvent it? It’s like, “oh yeah, there’s a camera hidden in the mirror.” Then the people who get caught is like, “cool, next time I’ll have someone stand there to block the view.”

Brave used to tell people more. Yet they learned that the more they explain, the more information fraudulent users (of which there are many ) learn and, subsequently, are able to more successfully game the system. This is why they don’t tell users the exact reasons their wallets were flagged, or a Creators account was suspended.

They haven’t failed to respond to anything. There are a lot of people who make some wrong assumptions. See, if you want support you have to create a Ticket in the right place. Whether it be getting direct customer support by submitting a Support Ticket, reporting a technical issue to developers at Github by navigating to the correct repository and then submitting a New Issue, or whatever else.

You’re right, too many people like to create Topics here to complain. Or even worse, they comment/post on a Topic someone else created to do a “me too.” In the meanwhile, NONE OF THEM open up tickets or contact staff as they are supposed to do. This is a community page. Yes, staff goes through things here and try to help,. but you’re not guaranteed that they will see what you say or respond. So their failure to open support tickets results in them not having a response. Kind of common sense, right?

It’s kind of like saying someone never answers the phone, but you’ve never actually called them.

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