I haven’t been getting ANY rewards for any ad whether it the home screen one or any other for about a week now. I also wasn’t paid 1.4 BAT for last month.
It seems to me that the whole browser is so bug heavy it’s almost impossible for the Brave team to keep up… or even try.
Ho hum.
hey it also depends on the time you use the browser,i hope you have not messed up the brave browser files or using vpn for extra rewards
Brave update 1.35 screwed up how the rewards are displayed, and it may have done something to adds too.
Same I was receiving rewards then stopped receiving rewards.
Not touched the Brave browser files and I can’t see how using a VPN can affect rewards at all. Just sounds like this is a random situation. One amongst the many random situations reported on here.
Works sometimes, but yes, we seem to have some issues. Early stage and dev’s probably trying their best.
Takes a while for Brave to pay it out… Jan’s should be paid out in a day or so, so let’s see
Also experiencing issues with BATs disappearing after updates, or simply closing the browser / restarting
iOS user
doesn’t seem like a bug to me. Coz I stopped recieving pop-up ads after 2 months and sponsored image stop after 8 months. Do any of you have the same issue??
yeah i am recieving like only 2-4 pop up ads only daily and i only someime get paid for the images
how long have you use brave browser?
Have alook here as it will tell you what ads are being displayed in your area, how long they have been playing and how long they have left. Brave ads go in cycles and it all depends on your whereabouts in the cycle your area is. Brave Ads in My Region
i had bookmark that link a year ago
the longer you use these browser the less ads you’ll get and eventually it all stopped. that’s the way i see these browser
What browsers can you explain i don’t understand it?
@lvlalrinhlua that’s incorrect. There are many of us who have been using the browser for years and still see ads regularly. Did you have a limit of how many times you can see each ad but that’s a different story.
A lot of times when people stop seeing other start getting BAT it’s often settings on their devices or Brave screwed up and their system flagged the user.
i recieve ads but only 3-4 pop up ads daily and that too in the morning and i get paid for images in new tab but not everytime
Seems like a lot of problems like this lately. I stopped getting BAT in December and even though I’ve posted multiple times no one will do anything to help.
how can i check if my account is flagged or not??
I also get a ton of ads most of the time but also at times very few. Some people are of the incorrect opinion that the ads just go on and on but that just isn’t the case and yes some others tinker with the settings and break things.