Having a problem with right click in the latest version!

How can this issue be reproduced?

1.When I right click.

Expected result: After I updated Brave, one thing is driving me crazy: When I right click, it automatically clicks the nearest option to the cursor. For example as I’m typing this text, some times I right click, It automatically clicks on Leo AI tools(interestingly Brave crashes after clicking Leo AI tools.) I hope it to be fixed in the next update.

Brave Version: Version 1.74.48 Chromium: 132.0.6834.83 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information: I’m only having this problem on this version not before versions.(I tested the mouse and It doesn’t have any hardware problems.)



so that you are prepared for subsequent steps.

Running thru a checklist, a process of elimination, can help to clarify paths for more investigation. Yet, how you proceed, is up to you.

Usually, in a Linux OS command line, you can start Brave Browser with one of the following commands:

brave -n --args --incognito --no-experiments --disable-extensions --disable-gpu


brave-browser -n --args --incognito --no-experiments --disable-extensions --disable-gpu

In order to determine which of those, to use, in a Brave Browser New Window, go to: “brave://version”

Scroll down to “Command line”

The beginnings of that command line character string, will indicate to you, which of those commands to use.

The switches are intended to:

  • Start up Brave Browser, showing a New Private Window
  • Disable all experiments at brave://flags
  • Disable extensions
  • Disable GPU ie disable Hardware / Graphics Acceleration

Test your issue. Also, use another mouse for some of that testing. Double-check cable connections.

Linux OS:

The important BraveSoftware folder location, usually but not always:


OR, in a Brave Browser New Window, go to:


and scroll down to “Profile Path” - that path very likely ending with “Default” - and locate the “BraveSoftware” folder in that path.

That is a folder to be backed up routinely, IMHO.

I recommend doing that, now.

I recently had a similiar issue, and the solution was to completely un-install the Brave Browser installation.

Run some OS maintenance. Restart the computer.

Fresh installation. Restore bookmarks from a backup.

I got the same issue for more than a week now and Im just tired complaining in this site that no developer really seems to care. I will look few more days and I think its time to say goodbye to brave for now.

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Thanks for your time.

This code only opens a new tab in incognito mode.(The problem still exists)

I did all of them expect the last one because I couldn’t find it.

That proves that the problem is not just about my system or your system; because I saw a lot similar issues in the community and as our friend said this:

I think it’s a systematical problem and all about the brave.

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It’s a Chromium issue and all about Chromium. It was reported last September, so I added an update.

Brave is a modified version of Chromium so it usually inherits new functionality and also inherits bugs. Bugs in functional areas which are not specific to Brave are often caused by the Chrome developers, so it’s better to test for those bugs in Chrome or Chromium and, if you can reproduce them, report them to those developers.


This drove me so MAD with the Brave Beta version I switched to Firefox for that screen. Now this has just started also with Brave Stable. It is so infuriating that random choices on the right-click menu keep executing.

From what I saw of many previous complaints on the Beta version, it has to do with alignment. Previously, a right-click would align the cursor to the top or bottom of that pop up menu. The bad behaviour has been it sits in the middle and is a few pixels inward, so as you release, it executes whatever is under the cursor.

I ditched the Beta version because of this and unless we can disable/change this now on the stable version, I can’t use Brave. Surely the complaints were heard from beta testers?

I had not considered this. But whatever it is, is very bad, boring and impacts my experience of Brave.

@parsa , @Mythical5th , @TobyToad ,

Appears to be a Chromium issue, as Mythical5th reported above.

TobyToad reported that the issue occurs for Linux OS and Windows OS:

Context menu still not respecting screen realestate and its pissing me off

@musorka222222 reports:

“My tests showed that if you disable the ad blocking extension, whether built-in or third-party, such as ublock, then everything returns to normal. I tried different blockers, the result is the same. Other add-ons have been disabled completely.”

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I don’t want to say that, but it’s fixed this way, but I really need some of my extensions.

I would mark this answer as a solution, but it’s not a solution (it’s a temporary solution).

I’m excited to see what the Brave developer team is going to do (and hope they finally fix the problem).

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@289wk After 5 hours, I have the same issue but less than before disabling the extensions.(For those who have the same problem, it could be a solution.)

Why don’t the Brave team (and Chromium) just release an urgent update for fixing this?

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I do not know how many reports are necessary, if any amount matters, before an issue gains a higher priority. Whatever is happening back in the shop, Brave Support team member @Mattches might know.

“Right Click” issues in the Brave Community, over the months since September or thereabouts, is not a large number . . .


I finally made a survey of the number of posts/replies at each:

On any page, right-clicking suddenly launches a random menu

Having a problem with right click in the latest version!
(ajmalmahtab, Danie10, musorka222222, Mythical5th, parsa, philt, thripnixe)

Right click not working in latest version
( jjim, Mythical5th)

Right click "Block elements" option disappeared on just some pages?

Right clicking option on brave search results sometimes freezes on both desktop and android

Brave freezing when right-click on bookmark folder

Right-click menu overlaps the mouse position so adjacent item is immediately activated


@Mythical5th I tested it in Chrome itself, and it is not present, so yes maybe then Chromium specifically. Driving me mad now that it has reached Brave Stable too.

@289wk the problem is all those issues keep getting closed. It is frustrating, as now these all look like new issues. So thanks for your aggregation of the previous reports.

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It’s definitely present in Chrome. I uploaded a video to the bug report I linked to above.

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This is exactly the same issue as reported here
The support guys don’t seem to understand, even though I posted loads of screen-shots of the mouse cursor position showing how it clearly overlaps the pop-up menu, which then causes that item to be invoked when you let go of the mouse button. I also posted the same screen shots using Firefox showing how this doesn’t have the problem because their menus are more compact than Brave, so they never get close to the top or bottom of the screen. If Brave didn’t cram so many options in the context menu (do we really need that many?), this problem would be less likely to occur.

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I am having same issue, When i use from my computer (OS: Windows 11), brave works fine, but when i use from my laptop (OS: Fedora 41) right click dont work properly. its happening only in brave. In other application my mouse works fine

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It is certainly only Brave for me, and I’d stopped using Brave Beta and am using Firefox instead on that screen (no issues). Now that this started happening recently on Brave Stable too, it is becoming unbearable for me.

It is triggering all sorts of actions from open a private window (not the biggest issue) but then adding the current page to my task manager (which I must go clean up), to adding the tab to tabox, etc. It is really messing my other stuff up now and if it is not going to be acknowledged or fixed soon, I really can’t use the browser like this any longer.

In my case I installed Chrome browser to test, and it is not doing the same thing at all, but I’m not going to use Chrome.

Apologies for the late reply here everyone.
This does appear to be the same Chromium issue happening as linked above (https://issues.chromium.org/issues/369633257).

This means that the issue is related to the underlying Chomium engine and will need to be fixed by that team. It is not related to changes made in Brave, nor does it have anything to do with the number of items present in the context menu. The issue is labeled as P2 so I imagine this will be fixed sooner rather than later.

One way to test and see if the issue is pushed in later Chromium builds would be to download the Brave Beta or Nightly builds and see if the right-click context menu issue is still present in those builds.

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I’ve updated Brave to Version 1.74.50 Chromium: 132.0.6834.111 (Official Build) (64-bit) but it still has this problem.
Didn’t Chromium team solve this problem?