Right-click menu doesn't function correctly (linked to open/save dialogue bug?)

The right-click menu is buggy and doesn’t always show - it seems to be cancelled immediately upon clicking right button.

If I minimise and restore the window, it works - Just like the open/save dialogue bug.

Brave is the only application which displays this behaviour on my platform, so, as with the save/load dialogue box, it appears to be a Brave-specific bug.

Brave seems to play badly with window managers for some reason.

Wondering if you have any custom themes enabled in the OS at this time?

Who doesn’t? White is far too bright for my eyes lol

Is there a known issue with themes breaking Brave?

Can you tell me what the theme is?
And it’s not necessarily “known” but there have been issues with custom Linux themes in the past and I’m just wondering if it might be relevant here as well.

Not sure if I can give you the details you might be looking for.

I just use GUI apps to change the OS colours. Here is what they say:

Which setting do we think is causing Brave so much trouble?

Also, I am not sure of the order in which I applied the settings and I had issues with different applications interfering with each other and resetting specific settings so there was a lot of going back and forth to make sure things were as I had set them - as is the Linux way lol

Yeah I’m not particularly familiar with the way these theming options work — is there a way for you to save this theme and temporarily reset everything to default just to test and see if this is in fact causing the issue with brave?

Not that I know of :confused:

Everything else works fine absolutely no issues with anything else displaying their menus and dialogues.

I mean, after minimising and restoring Brave a few minutes ago, the menus are displaying. I am not sure when they stop working, though.

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Looking into this — will reply back when I have more information.

My inxi output for my WM, etc:

System:    Host: ..... Kernel: 5.15.0-117-generic x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: N/A Desktop: Xfce 4.16.0 tk: Gtk 3.24.20 
           info: xfce4-panel wm: Compiz dm: LightDM 1.30.0 Distro: Linux Mint 20.3 Una base: Ubuntu 20.04 focal 

It appears that Brave can still have insane issues the basic, everyday, mundane things like opening save/open dialogues, context and fixed menus and even password suggestions. It is making me consider moving back to Firefox so I can use my computer without cursing at… silly ahem… developers… Again.

:triangular_flag_on_post: Opening dialogues
Brave consistently fails to display windows at the correct point in the stack, opting to open the dialogue BEHIND the main window. Could you please remove the code which does this as it’s not how it’s supposed to work O_o

:triangular_flag_on_post: Opening menus
Again, inconsistently, Brave fails to display menus (that is, all right-click contextuals, menu bar and bookmarks, [incorrect] password suggestions and main menu ‘burger’ menu) correctly and it requires me to minimise and restore the window to get these basic features back for a while, before it starts doing it again. Again, a most frustrating and useless design!

:triangular_flag_on_post: Password suggestions
They either don’t show up (as with the above problem) or they are every name and password I have. I would expect to be shown the passwords and usernames I have saved for that subdomain or parent domain if none exists for the subdomain. However, even when I have entered the username, still receive EVERY password saved on my machine. This means that entering the password is actually quicker than scrolling down the list and choosing. Yet again, the chosen code is not optimal and is degrading brave’s usability.

No other piece of software I have installed has any of these basic issues on my box (described above) so I’m not sure what the Brave devs are doing wrong. Could just be a poor framework, idk.

Are any of the developers about? Feedback will be greatly appreciated :slight_smile: :crossed_fingers:

Could you also provide links to the relevant function calls/code so I can peruse or is Brave hidden-source? :confused:

How goes it? :slight_smile: Any updates?

I am somewhat surprised that the password suggestions bug is acceptable functionality to all users lol


That’s because this issue is not common place — while other issues may have had this issue in the past, it is not something that most users experience and is likely related to something specific (such as system settings, extensions, etc) to your setup.

All of our code is viewable on our Github:

As for the issues you’re encountering, again I think this is something likely specific to the way your system is set up. I have reached out to a couple Linux team members for suggestions on what else might be causing this.

If you launch Brave and create a temp profile (Menu --> More tools --> Add profile — you can also use the Terminal command brave-browser --user-data-dir="$(mktemp -d)") do you still see this behavior occur in the browser?

Additionally, can you please test the behavior with Graphics Acceleration disabled? You can disable it by going to Settings --> System --> [...] Graphics acceleration [...] or again via Terminal with the command brave-browser --disable-gpu.

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