Right-click menu overlaps the mouse position so adjacent item is immediately activated

When the right-click popup menu appears to the right of the mouse cursor, it sometimes overlaps the current mouse position (by a tiny amount) so the menu item adjacent to the mouse becomes highlighted. When you release the right button in order to scroll the list, that highlighted menu item activates immediately so you don’t get the chance of scrolling.

This behaviour has only started within the last couple of weeks. Before, you could release the right button and the pop-up menu would remain on screen with no items highlighted. You could then move the mouse up & down to highlight the required menu item, then left-click the desired item.

This new behaviour typically occurs when right-clicking Youtube videos, where the menu contains a lot more items than normal.

A work-round is to right-press & hold, then move the mouse slightly to the left so it no longer overlaps the pop-up menu. You can then release the right button and scroll/select as before.

Closer inspection of the pop-menu shows that it overlaps the mouse by a few pixels when it opens to the left of the mouse, but this is not sufficient to cause the item to be highlighted, so it looks like there is some concept of a ‘safe’ border or zone on this side of the menu box.
If the menu pops up to the right of the mouse, the overlap is less (1 pixel?) but this is sufficient to cause the item to be highlighted, so if there is a safe zone, it does not exist on the left side of the box.
Have attached screenshots showing the overlap and highlight behaviour for both scenarios.

Version 1.69.160 Chromium: 128.0.6613.114 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Lubuntu 18.04 on Dell Vostro laptop with 1366x768 screen



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@philt I tried to replicate on my PC, which is Windows, and it doesn’t seem to work the same way. The context menu always appeared diagnonally, such as seen below. And yes, I tested on YouTube and other places. It works the same as I’m showing in the video below:

It would be helpful if you could confirm a few things:

  1. Does this issue occur in other browsers or programs? (This could help rule out whether it’s related to your mouse or driver.)

  2. Does it happen in a private window? (To check if it might be related to one of your extensions.)

  3. If you create a second browser profile, does it still happen there?

  4. Could you also test if this issue occurs in Brave Beta or Brave Nightly?

Thank you for your reply.
In answer to your questions…

  1. The fault does not appear with the Firefox browser (I’ll try and attach some screenshots).
  2. The fault still appears in a private window. I also disabled my one extension (NoScript) and the fault was still there.
  3. Not sure what you mean by another profile. I tried another instance, and this still fails, although I don’t think that’s what you meant, sorry.
  4. I’m reluctant to install other versions in case I mess up any settings.

Further investigation shows the auto-highlighting only occurs when there’s insufficient vertical room to display the whole menu box completely above or below the mouse cursor.
On Firefox, the menu items are much more compact so there’s never a case where it cannot fit either above or below the mouse.

With Brave, the menu items are more spread-out vertically, and I’ve also noticed that the menu contains more items when you right-click an actual Youtube picture.
I normally view videos by right-clicking the picture, then selecting “Open link in new tab”, so this is where I first noticed the problem.

If the mouse is at a vertical position such that there’s no room for the menu to fit, it is drawn alongside the mouse. This would normally be ok if the menu horizontal position was correct, but I believe it is misplaced to the left by 1 or 2 pixels so it overlaps the mouse cursor, which then triggers the highlight.

Here are the Firefox screenshots:

Many thanks,

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