For the brave reward; My uphold account is USA but still saying region not supported

My uphold account is USA but still saying region not supported

@Arcdanybuka it helps when you can provide a lot more information in general. There’s at least a point of differentiation I need to know for your situation. Are you being told not supported before or after you try to connect?

In other words, if you’re going to Brave Rewards and it’s saying you’re not in a supported country, then it’s because of your OS settings. Example of this is Rewards are not available in your area

If you’re able to see and click on Uphold but then it says country not supported once you try to login, then it would be because you did not do KYC/AML with Uphold for the United States. If you moved and only updated your address, then it wouldn’t show. You would need to update your passport and essentially prove nationality. It’s either that or you’re from the USA but did it from New York, which isn’t supported by Uphold.

Yes, I moved and updated only my address

@Arcdanybuka so that is likely the issue. They have to update things for the API, otherwise it is probably showing whatever location you had been prior and is triggering the message.

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