Every page I visit shows a white screen including the homepage

Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

I dont know i was watching youtube and the video became black i refreshed and then every page i visited was just white including settings and home screen

Expected result:
every page you visit will be plain white

Brave Version( check About Brave):
I cant check cause all pages are irresponisve
Thinking of switching which other browser looks good?

What version of Windows are you using? Can you see the internal pages like brave://settings?

no i cant i am using windows 10

Please try the following:

  1. Find the shortcut for Brave (generally on Desktop), right-click and select Properties from the context menu.
  2. Click into the “Target” field, and type --disable-gpu at the end of the path. Note that you must type this outside of the quotes with a space between the flag and quotes . It should look something like this:

  1. Click Apply then OK then open the modified shortcut you just created.
  2. Assuming this worked and you’re able to view Brave, open the main menu on the top-right
  3. Navigate to Settings --> Advanced --> System --> Hardware Acceleration
  4. Ensure this option is off. If not, toggle it off and relaunch:

  1. Now, return to the modified shortcut, remove the --disable-gpu flag from the Target path and launch Brave using that shortcut.

Thanks! it worked I have a question why should you disable gpu?

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