When using DuckDuckGo search the page title in Brave remains “DuckDuckGo” persistently regardless of the search query. So that if you have multiple search queries open in different tabs Brave doesn’t allow the user to see what each tab is for.
When using, say, Safari, the query is listed in the page title.
I imagine that should be the default but unfortunately isn’t the case for mine. I did a scan through the DDG settings and there isn’t anything in there that would suggest altering this behavior.
@urbnesq I know Support is busy on a few things this week, so replies might fall behind a bit. Just a FYI, if you’re unaware, a Community Ninja is just an active User who has been acknowledged by support as someone helpful. Just letting you know I’m not employed with Brave.
That said, could you do me a favor and test to see if it works the same way if you use Chrome or Edge as well? From what little bit of searching I just did, it seems like this is a Chromium design for Mac. I just want to see if you can confirm that for me, as I’m only going off of some random images from online searches.
I’ll try to spend some more time looking into things tomorrow.
I’d faced a similar problem in the past (using Chrome, on Windows 11, no extensions) it subsided within a few hours.
But this issue with DuckDuckGo is seen too often and is very persistent. I wonder why