Disappearing BAT? Take two

Briefly describe your issue:
When I shut down on October 6, 2021, I had nearly $1 USD in BAT. This morning, it’s gone, and I’ve started over. It’s not in my verified Gemini wallet. Where did it go to?

What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?
Version 1.30.87 Chromium: 94.0.4606.71 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no)
Here’s my brave://rewards-internals info
Wallet info
Key info seed: Valid
Wallet payment ID: [REDACTED]
Wallet created: 10/04/2021, 04:59:15 PM
Balance info
Total balance 0 BAT
bitFlyer Wallet: 0 BAT
Rewards BAT: 0 BAT
Gemini Wallet: 0 BAT
Uphold Wallet: 0 BAT
External wallet info
Wallet status: Verified
Wallet address: [REDACTED]
Custodian: Gemini

What date did you verify your wallet?
Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?
This would have been my first deposit.

Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)

Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?

Does your device pass the SafteyNet check (Android only)?

Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold??
I don’t have an devices linked to Uphold.

20211015, and still nothing. @SaltyBanana is quick to ask people to use the template, and close threads, but pretty absent when an actual response is needed.

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Hello?? Is anyone there?

Today is20211021 and BAT still hasn’t shown up in Gemini, and I’ve gotten no responses to this inquiry.

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Hi @LenC, apologies if I did not see your post.

Thank you for adhering to the rewards template.
Can you DM me your wallet ID and I would be happy to help you.

Much thanks,
Salty :banana:

Just dropping a post here so it restarts the 30 day clock.

Does anyone else have the idea that this BAT stuff is a sham? I find no deposits into my Gemini wallet (there should have been at least two months worth), and I no longer get any replies from @SaltyBanana, who said he would check into it.

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