Desktop sync error: "Couldn't contact Sync servers"

Description of the issue:
Sync error using Windows 10 desktop. Details below.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

  1. Open the “Customize and control Brave” menu.
  2. Click “Sync”. This opens “Sync (beta) Setup” screen.
  3. Click the white “I have a Sync Code” button.
  4. Enter sync code.
  5. Click orange “Confirm Sync Code” button.

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):
After Step 3, an error message:
“Couldn’t contact Sync servers
You might be having network trouble, or there could be a problem with the Sync servers.”

Click “OK”, then go through steps 4 & 5. Result:
The orange button temporarily blanches, then becomes orange again. Nothing happens.

Expected result:
No error message. Complete steps 1-5, then connect to the sync server and synchronize bookmarks between devices.

Reproduces how often:
Every time, on my desktop Windows 10 PC. My laptop Windows 7 PC, desktop Linux PC, and Android cell phone have all synced as expected.

Brave Version(about:brave):
Version 0.59.35 Chromium: 72.0.3626.81 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Reproducible on current live release (yes/no):
Yes. That’s what I’m using.

Additional information
I uninstalled and reinstalled Brave. Same result.

having same issues on Windows 10

Thank you both for reporting and apologies for the late reply. I’m looking into this for you right now and will reply when I have more information.
Appreciate your patience.

Are both of you still seeing this error? Other reports I’ve seen on of this seem to be resolved with a browser or system restart.

Thank you for looking into it.

I no longer get the “Couldn’t contact Sync servers…” error, but still have the problem at step 5. Clicking the orange “Confirm Sync Code” button does nothing.

I installed Windows updates earlier today and had to restart. Nothing changed. Just let me know if any other information could be helpful.

Are you saying that after entering your Sync code, the button is unresponsive?

After entering my Sync code, the orange button still blanches when I click on it with the mouse, but that’s all. There is no indication Sync is trying to connect to my chain. The button is still responsive, though. After a few attempts, I click “Cancel” and can go back to the previous screen.

I see the same error.
Can you tell me

  • server dns name
  • server port
  • protocol (eg tcp,udp,etc)
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So sorry for the late response - not entirely sure why I didn’t get notified about this thread.
This issue should have been resolved by now, sorry to ask again but is this message still appearing when you attempt to sync?

I don’t get the error message, but the Windows 10 desktop will still not sync (step 5 in my initial post). When I click the orange “Confirm Sync Code” button, the orange button temporarily blanches, then becomes orange again. It doesn’t look like it’s trying to sync.

I have the same problem with brave in windows 10. I succesfully sync a linux dektop and an android tablet but after typing my chain code in windows, nothing happens and the confirm button looks like being unresponsive.

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I’m having this issue with Manjaro right now. I.e. “Couldn’t contact Sync servers” after I typed the words in.

Close and relaunch Brave on both Desktop and mobile (or whichever direction you’re syncing) and try again - this is a known issue but most users are able to Sync after attempting again.

I have the same issues on both Linux and Windows 10. As the browser itself advertised this feature is in beta. It is a great idea but it is rather an alpha stage. I.e. it works based on your luck or on the direction of the wind. Today the wind was bad for me so no luck after numerous tries. I’ll wait for a fix, until then I use sync methods that work.

Anyway, this is a great idea, keep up the good work. (PS. please do not pretend that it works, it does not sound good)

One more thing if you already have a synchronised device in you mobile browser you don’t the the option to scan again. This is another bug and I should have reported it in a different place, maybe

Okay, maybe Brave isn’t good enough yet for me. I need sync, I’m not going to keep up my bookmarks by hand. I just tried to sync a Windows 10 machine and I’m told the code is wrong. Just be sure I wrote the code correctly, I copy&pasted (through LastPass) the code from my phone to Windows 10 and I’m still told the code is wrong.

Have to keep looking for an alternative for Chrome then.

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