Dark Mode: Black background when loading websites

As in Safari. Whenever I load a website in Brave iOS, I‘m blinded by a all-white page.

This is the only feature that made me not giving it 5/5.
I had to switch to Firefox if I want to use Night mode just for reading. The white background really aggravates my eye strain and worsens my tired eyes after a long day of work. I really hope Brave Team can add/tweak this feature and it will be perfect!

Btw, Brave’s reader view dark mode doesn’t work properly like Firefox’s and it’s harder to find the toggle. Here’s an example of Brave’s reader dark mode on wikipedia page:

As you can see, it’s unusable.

I’m sure that once Dark mode is implemented properly on Brave ios, a lot of users will switch to Brave. But right now the feature is very hard to find and sometimes impossible to use.

Btw, this is what firefox’s night mode is like, just for comparison:


There is also an open issue on GitHub about night mode on iOS since 2019 and we have not heard any reply on this. Please consider adding this, as it is the only thing keeping people of using brave as a daily driver in iOS

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With extensions it is also possible with safari to have websites in dark mode. I would like to have this feature too


It seems that there is some movement. A team member was assigned to look at it. Let’s hope we’ll see this much needed feature implemented

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If things go well we will have night mode implemented in the next release 1.37! Thank you so much devs!!

Well it is very buggy in the Beta

The Night Mode in iOS is very inconsistent,
Sometimes it turns images into different colors and sometimes it turns already dark webpages into light mode (which is a little annoying since we have to turn on/off the dark mode constantly on every other website)
But the dark mode on the Android however works pretty much well all the time. And we can always keep it turned on without any problem.

Literallly their night mode, dark mode stinks. Night mode will invert pictures and images half the time or on dark websites it will turn them to white……how dumb

Then every page that loads opens up white, so dark mode is just not functional at all. Please fix this this is a major reason why I have to use safari at night time and I hate that

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It looks like the dark mode has been removed from the flags experimental features.

Where it overrides everything to be black.

Also as per this original post about a white page when loading a new tab.
Compared to safari when I open 15 new tabs from a bookmarks folder, the tabs load in the background. In brave they have to load each time I open a tab.

I might have to go back to safari :frowning:
I wish brave search was available as a default in safari. I’ve been using xSearch safari extension to change the search default. But I’m placing a lot of trust in that developer that when they say there’s not data collection. Trust that it is the truth today with their code and they won’t change it in the future.

20241201 Sunday

@community.1 , @Deadlock ,

Re Using Brave Search Engine via Safari

I use https://search.brave.com/settings as the link for the bookmark: “Brave Search” . . . thus going first, to the settings webpage, where I DISABLE “AI” and DISABLE “Discussions”.

Then, scroll to the top of that webpage and at the upper-left corner, click on the Brave Browser icon . . . thus producing the Brave Search webpage.

I’m a bit confused, is that picture with private, dark and night mode a response to my post?

In the right of this picture is safari with the safari extension dark reader enabled. The left side is brave with dark mode and night both turn on.

Brave doesn’t turn the white elements dark like safari with that extension.

I’m also a bit confused what you mean by

Doing a search, it doesn’t look like you can set https://search.brave.com/
as a startup page/ first page when you open safari on iOS.

In any case I want brave search as my default inside the URL/main search box in safari. Where it says “ Search or enter website name”

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