Night mode broken on 1.70


Description of the issue:
On some websites, such as, night mode is no longer functioning. There are no web elements at all that are changing in appearance. However, night mode does still work on some sites, such as I just recently updated to version 1.70. I have tried clearing all site data, cookies, and cache. I have closed Brave and reset my phone. None of these actions fix the issue.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Navigate to
  2. Turn on Night Mode

Expected result:
Background should be black with white text.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Version 1.70 (131)

Mobile Device details
iPhone 11 MHCP3LL/A
iOS 18.0.1

Additional Information:

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I made a similar post about night mode not working on the brave community forum:

Is it working for you?
It’s working for me on, but not old.reddit.

I did notice night mode in general has had a big upgrade; it’s no longer just inverting everything. It behaves more like the dark reader extension.
If they can fix compatibility with more sites it’ll be amazing

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Thanks for reporting. I’ve raised an issue

Same here. The latest update, which was supposed to improve the night mode, totally destroyed it.

I just updated the iOS app, and the night mode is still broken? This app is going from bad to worse! The night mode is basic!

Thanks @migsyboy, you can track the issue posted above for updates

The issue hasn’t been fixed yet after almost 2 weeks.

This is ridiculous. Can it be just reverted back to how it was before?

Night mode is such a basic feature…

25 days and no signs of a fix for the night mode…

@Mattches would you be so kind to inform us if and when this issue will be fixed?

Thank you.

Hi all, sorry for the delay on this! We’ve identified the problem and have a fix on the way


Thanks. When is it going to be pushed live?

Should be available to update since this morning.
Night mode is working now, but unfortunately each new page or reloaded tab still flashes white before going dark.
Maybe it was naive of me to think these issues were related…
Anyone know if there’s an issue open already about webpages flashing white for a second or more while it loads? Kind of defeats the point of having a night mode in the first place lol.
Great to see the dark-reader style implementation anyway. We’re almost there, no small feat considering Apple’s limitations with third party browsers

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I received the update this morning and everything is looking great so far. Thank you to everyone who put in the work on this. I appreciate it!

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