Custom Spell Check Hiding Majority of Inputted Words Below Letter P

Under “Manage spell check” “Customised words” section

Its only showing up to the letter P for customized words and the rest are all hidden?

Can you please push an update to fix this? I think a recent browser update bricked it.

I just restarted my browser and it did not fix it.

A day later its till not fixed.

Brave v 1.74.50

@OperationQ apologies but are you perhaps referring to the system’s spell check/language settings? The Customized words section you’re describing is not a part of browser settings.

Hi Mattches,

Yes I’m referring to the customized words section on desktop browser. Located within spelling section of settings.

I have a pretty lengthy list of words that I don’t want to have to spellcheck and for some reason as of yesterday, I noticed only up to the letter P was able to be seen.

Thank you.

@OperationQ as this is a OS/system issue and not a Brave issue, there isn’t a ton we can do here. I would recommend reaching out to support for the OS you’re using.

How is it an OS issue? It’s within brave browser settings.

Why would windows help me with brave browser hiding half my custom word section? I don’t get it.

Can you please share a screenshot or a short recording of the menu in which you’re referring so I can take a look on my end?

@OperationQ apologies — I forgot that this specific setting is not available on macOS (where I’m testing currently). Looking on my Windows machine I can see the menu.

Now that I understand the issue more clearly, testing on my end I am able to see the full list of added word. I added roughly 20ish made up words to the list, closed the browser, relaunched and now see all added words in alphabetical order. Can you tell me (roughly) how many words you’ve added to this list? I’m wondering if the number of entries has anything to do with the issue you’re seeing.

Yeah, I’m thinking I have something like maybe 100-125 entries. I use it quite frequently and sometimes I accidentally add one to the list that I don’t want on the list so I have to go in settings and manually remove it.

That’s actually how I noticed that at least half of my list is missing.

Also, another thing I noticed is that the top of the list will be capitalized words, and the lower portion of the list will be alphabetical as well, but lowercase words.

Google Translate

I think this is a bug in the revamped settings page.

If there are a lot of lists, the bottom ones won’t be displayed. If you sort by Name, you’ll see that not all of them are displayed.

windows11 23H2
Release Beta Nightly

Yep, that is the case. Just tested on my end and as I added more, the list cut itself off as @OperationQ described. I’ve gone ahead and filed this issue on our Github for our developers to review:

Yes, it has to be a recent bug from a recent browser update either the last one or the one prior to that as I just noticed the other day. The list is by default, alphabetically organized and I do not believe you can change it either.

Would be good if we could get the option to organize by recently added in addition to alphabetical.

Thank you, I know for sure it was showing the entire list before the last or second last update.