Crunchyroll website not loading properly on mac

issue happens to me as well.

when I open [ the favicon, profile pictures, and header images on homepage do not load.

I tested all the solutions it is said ther but none of them worked.
, Expected result:
Pages should load on the first try; favicon, article thumbnails, and profile pic should load properly on all pages; videos should be able to be played

Brave Version( check About Brave):


Additional Information:
Seems like this started after installing Widevine (although unsure whether it is the cause)
Steps don’t change even with shielding on or off

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This just started happening to me as well. Only happens on Brave.

Console is flooded with errors related to "Refusing to connect to URL because it violates the following Content Security Policy Directive: " followed by a huge list of domains.

Also happens in private browsing mode.

Screenshot of console:

Same issue here running Brave on Windows 11

Issue seems to be resolved. Looks like either the Brave or Crunchyroll team handled it.

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