Community Conversation: Your thoughts on Brave

It got to the point that I actually turned off notifications about new topics related to Crypto or BAT because there were so many complaints about missing payments or blocked accounts. In truth, I stopped using Brave for a while over it’s stance on crypto currencies.

I use brave in spite of crypto, not because of it. The adblocker seems to be safe against coming changes with Manifest V3.

Brave and Firefox seem like the best overall choices for privacy and security. Firefox takes forever to load on my work machine and it doesn’t seem to free up memory as well as Blink-based browsers so late in the day, things slow way down. Also the Android browser isn’t nearly as good as any others I’ve used.

That leaves Brave as a browser that has frequent updates and a focus on privacy.


  1. I like the ads blocking and safe browsing feature in Brave however I do not support ads blocking in any way as it forces companies to bring paid services .

  2. brave rewards ofcourse ,The way Brave Rewards is working, you are given 15 to 30 but the value is nothing, better than this, earlier you would get 2.25 bat but it was worth it. I know other cryptos are falling too but Brave must do something . I think it’s time to end the rewards .
    It may be that the users of Brave will decrease but those who will be there will use the browser and not the Brave reward.

  3. New Creator Policy I think this was not needed I know this is done to prevent self tipping but this can be tackled in some other way Like setting a Criteria (ex 1k subscriber). Because it was a good way to collect donations or raise funds without spending their money?

Note: If Brave doesn’t want to stop the reward, then it should be kept only for tipping creators and no one creator can be tipped more than 5 bat in a month.

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  1. Ad blocker and Privacy
  2. The complete lack of usable support
  3. What year do you intend fixing outstanding bug reports ?

Thanks for everything you do @Saoiray and for asking this here instead of only on the censored, exclusive, and anti-free-speech platform Reddit.

1. What do you like most about Brave?

I Iike the original concept behind BAT, and the contents of the BAT whitepaper. The internet advertisement industry is corrupt and broken and needs fixing urgently. BAT is an opportunity to reset this. The concept behind BAT is awesome.

2. What do you dislike/hate most about Brave?

The fact that they seem to be straying from their original mission and jumping on the latest crypto / Web 3 / DEFI / NFT / [insert trendy buzzword] bandwagon, integrating with shitcoin projects and seemingly neglecting the original purpose of BAT, which is like a big slap in the face to everyone who bought into the ICO and supported the project from the start.

Nobody cares about NFTs (aka centralized JPEG receipts useful for money laundering and nothing else). DEFI has been exposed as a big money laundering ponzi scam. Web 3 is a silly-con valley buzzword bait intented to trick naive investors into thinking they are investing in the future. It’s a joke. There is no Web 3.

*3. If you could ask just one question about Brave, what would it be?

Did the Brave team even read the BAT whitepaper?


Get people’s email addresses correct, you send an email to an account, then say the the log in is wrong, then when you try and do a password reset, it say non exitant account, you go to set up a new account and it says Email address already in use, You need to fix this garbage,

Give people the choice to Turn off the “insecure site” setting, you cause some sites not to work properly,

Speed + I feel more safety about my data + Brave Rewards (at least when I was able to use those few $).

I’m using Brave since around 2 years ago, and my only one complain’s that I feel that we’re moving backwards about Rewards. Since Uphold leave Venezuela about 6 months ago, I’m being unable to use my BATs.

Obviously, what are the staff doing for solving the Rewards verification problem?

Other thing is about Brave personalization: I was using Yandex Browser in the past and what I loved the most is the chance to change the look of almost everything, even tabs design. I see people claiming about avatar design, vertical tabs, and other stuff. I know Brave people’s working on those things, but I feel those aren’t priorities, so that could be my question: where’s the personalization on the list of priorities?

PS: Excuse my not-perfect english.

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  1. Ad-blocking and privacy features. Also, while I think Google still serves better search results (because it knows me better than I do), I’m sticking with Brave Search because it’s definitely better than others and I want it to succeed.
  2. Sites still fail to load correctly with Shields up (and some even with Shields down), necessitating the use of “backup” browsers. Oddly enough, Edge (another Chromium-based browser) seems to work in those instances when Brave doesn’t.
  3. Maybe “tell” rather than “ask” (and probably more than one): A) Make the quality of your product priority #1. B) I personally don’t care about BAT because it’s so minuscule (and the ads I see are getting uber-repetitive - to the point I may just turn it off). C) Be transparent and engage your user base. Earn/keep their trust and focus on their needs.

You can already add sites to exception list.


As some users have already said. I use as what, at the moment, appears to be the most privacy centric of the browsers available without having to go into huge tinkering mode. For me it has just worked since I started using it on Win 7, Linux Mint (admittedly for only a short period) and now Win 10.

I have zero interest in BATS or crypto but I also understand that Brave has to generate income from somewhere. I am not sure how that should best be accomplished. However as long as I can fairly simply switch those things off, which currently I can, then I can ignore that apart from my comment below.
I have almost stopped bothering to read the Community over the last year or more due to the seemingly endless support issues over BAT. It really should have a dedicated separate section.
As some others have mentioned this means that many questions just seem to be ignored presumably because there are only so many hours in the day.

I completely agree with the Op’s point 3. There have been a couple of major privacy oriented “questions” over the last few years which have really lacked a timely and comprehensive reply.

Congratulations to @Saoiray for posting this topic and especially his volunteer work :+1:

  1. The speed and the ease with which I can manage the shields
  2. The inability to skin/theme in private mode (I HATE the purple on dark!!)
  3. Why not allow themes in Private Mode?
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Hey @Saoiray thnx for making this thread to help out people to reach their concerns so the developers and executives can consider changes.

  1. It has tab group functions making it easier to access tabs at the apprpriate moment, looks aesthetically pleasing, reduces a lot of scrolling time as you dont need to scroll through hundreds of tabs since you have them stored as groups in single multi-tab. Very useful feature for people who use the browser for ginormous storage

  2. Unfortunately, this feature is only useful in the short term. It doesnt work in the long term and causes issues which i hate as they hinder us users from using the browsers of Brave and its Beta version. You will notice that tabs you havent used in a while expel dozens to more amount of tab groups and transforming them into individual tabs hence
    i) turning the browser into a huge state of mess

ii) also increases a lot of time for each[ii,iii,iv] scrolling the browser

iii) finding the appropriate tab to use and repeating it again

iv) When you have numerous and massive number of group tabs(these are not empty tab groups) the square-like feature which shows the number of tabs from 1 to 100(100 or more is shown as the symbol “:D”) appears empty for a few minutes when the browser restarts. When you press it, the browser appears empty. You need to wait for a few minutes so the number or the symbol can show on the square-like feature to access tabs in the browser.

v) I am very disappointed that the developers havent been able to fix this issue despite going on for over several months and receiving reports from hundreds of users

Also this should be mentioned, re-grouping them isnt actually helpful as it only stays in its proper sequence for a short period of time. It re-appears again.

  1. One of the developers here mentioned they havent been able to fix it since they are not able to reproduce the bug. So i want to ask them some questions (hopefully you the developers see it or it reaches to you by others who inform the ones who are not present in this forum)

A) You the developers have received hundreds of complaints so why are you people not able to reproduce the bug to fix it

B) Lets assume they havent given you the way to reproduce it. But hang on, a user several months back made a report like that sometimes clearing the cache can causes this tab group disassembling. So why have you not tried this way out? Is it hard for you to fill the cache of Brave and its Beta to high amounts to be able to reproduce the bug?

C) If it is immensely difficult to reproduce the bug in order to solve it, is it not possible for you the team of developers to work together to create a feature that is like a bug, that is strong enough to override the function of group tabs(which is to contain these tab groups as a collection of tabs within a single multi-tab) and expel group tabs from the multi-tabs they are locaterd in, to transform them into individual tabs. I mean you people are the ones who introduced the feature. If you cant reproduce a bug despite knowing it exists, why not create it so it can benefit you?

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that’s my story, and I am sticking to it…

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Just to let everyone know, I’m trying to set up times to get a lot of the questions answered. That said, am going to see if @Mattches will go ahead and lock the topic for me.

It’s been ~9 days and we have over 30 questions down. I do know eventually need to do a bigger polling from community for feedback, but this has served as a good indicator of thoughts and concerns. I know some from Brave have already looked over everything and it’s spurred some discussion. As to final results, who can say?

I’ll try to create a new topic with their answers/replies when it happens. Nothing scheduled yet, but I’ll see if can figure something out here soon. (I’m assuming after holidays, but we shall see)

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Or actually, I see you active right now @SaltyBanana. Would you do the honors of locking the thread? lol

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