Description of the issue:
I added a new profile to my work laptop and I’m trying to establish sync with my other personal devices. I get a notification that sync is starting, but then nothing. The work laptop doesn’t show up in the list of devices on the sync chain. Is there a log file I can review?
Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.
- Create a new profile
- Select “Start using sync” from the Sync settings
- Select “I have a Sync Code”
- On of the the other synched devices, select “Add New Device”
- Select “Computer”
- Type the provided sync code into the computer w/ the new profile.
- Click “Confirm”
Reproduces how often:
Every time.
Brave Version(See the About Brave
page in the main menu):
Release Notes V1.31.88 (Oct 29, 2021)
Type of devices currently running on the Sync chain in question:
Windows 10 PC
iPhone 13 Pro
MacBook Pro (Intel)
Thank you for reaching out and for providing all the details of the issue up front.
This may seem obvious, but since starting the Sync chain between devices, have you tried closing/quitting the browser on both devices, then relaunching? Sometimes a relaunch kick-starts the sync process that was stick prior.
Additionally, if this does not work, can you please send me a screenshot of your brave://sync-internals
page so I can take a closer look at your issue?
Hi @Mattches
The browser restart did not appear to kickstart the sync. Here’s the screenshot you requested. Let’s me know if you’d like to see any other tabs:
I am also experiencing this issue… Currently on the sync chain are an iPhone 13 Pro Max, an iPad Pro gen 2, and a Windows 11 pc. I’m trying to add a Windows 10 pc. If it makes a difference, the sync code list of words is different every time I try to add the new browser. Wording in the instructions seems to indicate this should be treated like a password, so I’m not sure it’s supposed to be changing like it is. It does this on both the iPhone and the iPad. I don’t currently have access to the Windows 11 box. Once applied the browser is not listed in the device chain and in its settings is the only device listed in its chain, so it’s like it’s creating a new chain instead of joining an existing one. I’m going to try adding a Mac laptop from my Windows 11 box tomorrow.
While the iPhone version provided a different sync code every time, the Windows 11 client provided the same code every time, and I was able to add my Mac client to the sync chain via the Windows 11 client. It should be noted that the Windows 11 client was the originating device in the chain, so I don’t know if that makes a difference.
According to your Sync internals, that device (where you got the internals) is actually “alone” on the chain currently. I’m assuming that this is the work device you’re trying to add to an existing chain, is that correct? If so, can you please tell me which of the devices you listed was first added to your Sync chain?